Tramp Lady at the Services

She’s called Lorna and comes from Scotland. First saw her at Lancaster services several years ago when she was in her late teens. Saw her a few months ago and time hasn’t been kind, I don’t think she’s even 30 yet. Once saw here sat in the foyer at 2am at Tibshelf services one winter. Went in and bought her a Maccy’s meal.

Says she’s interested in going back home to her parents but won’t accept offers to.

Sadly I get the feeling from some of the things she’s said that she gets abused by some of the drivers who give her a lift because she is under the influence. When I saw her last time and said it’d been a while since I’d seen her she asked if she had behaved herself the previous time. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

A shame but she seems to have little interest in being helped.

She thumbed a lift from me a few years ago - just outside Penrith on the A66, I stopped because at midnight seeing someone stood there my first thought was they needed help. She told me she had been living in Glasgow and had been on the game, then staying with a lorry driver who helped her out for a bit but ‘needed’ to get away. Although in good spirits and pretty good company, she was in a real state hygiene wise and clearly a deeply troubled soul, I gave her some food and made a brew in the lorry and offered her a few quid to get cleaned up in the services. She wasn’t really interested, just wanted to keep moving I think.

I spoke to Tramp Lady in Exeter services as she was going around asking for a lift. In our short conversation it became apparent that she had no interest in getting a ‘normal’ life, was quite happy to be just as she was. Although using her situation to invite pity, she actually is there by choice. For certain, a homeless female would be provided with housing by the council. In any case, if anyone wanted to take advantage, they would need to be wearing a full hazmat suit.