Training Booked :-)

After having the medical and passing the theory and hazard perception tests I now have all I need to start practical training.
I have visited a number of local trainers but decided early on that I would go with Peter Smythe due to all the recommendations on this forum and when I visited them at Mansfield I know I made the right choice.
I had planned on training with full auto due to nerves and it’s less to worry myself about but due to work, the weeks the auto is available, I am not.
So I have booked the manual truck in Peterborough for the 2nd of June and taken advantage of the deal that Pete has going booking both C and C+E with them, £2000 for both can’t be bad.
Now all I need to do is stock up on Kalms.

Good luck now if I can do it in a manual so can you it not that hard really once you get day 1 over with & I didnt take Kalms due to fact I cant apparently Bananas work as well

Relax enjoy it & now remove the rear view mirror in car

I found chain smoking handy.

I already do that so a couple of patches on each arm that spray they advertise as well as chain smoking should help. If not a wee dram or two will lol.

Welcome aboard! Hopefully you’ll have relaxed a bit by the time you start the course - without the aid of alcohol please!!

All the best, Pete :laughing: :laughing: