Trainee HGV 1 driver req no pay whilst you train and when you have passed its 20K a year
JSA whilst training ■■? - I would like to know what the current rules are on that
It’s good to see a company taking on trainees but it’s a bit of a liberty expecting them to train for 6 months unpaid, no doubt they’ll be tied to ND for a couple of years after training is completed.
selby newcomer:
It’s good to see a company taking on trainees but it’s a bit of a liberty expecting them to train for 6 months unpaid, no doubt they’ll be tied to ND for a couple of years after training is completed.
Yes at 20k a year this was how the bus driving became in London where they would train you but you had to sign and agree to stay for 1 year or they would take you to court and you would have to pay a set amount back
And people bash the big green machine for their apprenticeships.
“You can keep claiming job seekers allowance” Basically this is a bit like tax credits - the rest of the population are subsidising companies to get free or reduced rate labour.
This is completely taking the ■■■■. However, if anyone is interested, just let me know, I reckon I could make a fortune if I could only find half-a-dozen poor wooden-headed saps prepared to work for me for six months for nothing.
It can be legal under the controversial Workfare system - companies can offer " work based training" as long as signed off as agreed scheme with DWP - lots of retailers like Poundland have been using it - fresh set of workers every six months as usually nobody gets a job from them at the end - if you are signing on you can depending on your situation be forced to take the placement or lose your benefit and they don’t care what you did before you signed on.
Lots of firms and charities have pulled out of this scheme due to the protests - hopefully ND will offer as promised and someone will get the chance to get their dream to be a driver.
Worry that having had you work in warehouse etc for six months you are assessed and told not suitable and fresh lot start for another six months. My advice would be to read the small print.
My knowledge of DWP comes from working for them after my ill health stopped me driving so I’ve seen some of the stunts they pull.
This must be a fiddle to get around the minimum wage.
If you are signing on, and you attend a college course, you have to sign off. You are no longer “available for work”.
I can’t see how “working for buttons” or working as some kind of intern/apprentice will be any different. It ain’t rocket science with a graduate’s pay package at the end of it, so this foreign firm might need to re-think the legalities of what they’ve advertised. Chances are, it’s perfectly legel under the EU laws of “Britain bends over and takes it, but never gains” from it’s membership and huge “subscription”…
Sad that firms choose to handle the “driver shortage” with even more bum deals that are not going to appeal to anyone not just released from Borstal.
You could put yourself through a LGV course and get change - from 6 months earnings at McDonalds, and have no ties at the end of it either.
Advert aimed at the hard-of-thinking perhaps?
Among the experienced workforce - are there REALLY this huge pool of drivers currently working on agency, who’d take a huge pay cut “because they want the regular hours”?
Work to live - not “live to work”.
I like the way their client firms are desribed as “Incredible” though - Well, I guess they are in a sense. Incredible they expect the rest of us to put up with all the modern “race to the bottom” crap, even in an upturn.
If I was on JSA, with no skills, no experience, and zero prospects of a job, I’d jump at this. It would be interesting to find out how the £20,000 compares with other ND drivers on the same contract. Is it Carlsberg, possibly?
I think its a great idea, a company putting its money and time into giving someone without qualifications or training the neccesary training to join their company and go work for them. Whats not to like ?
I think its a great idea, a company putting its money and time into giving someone without qualifications or training the neccesary training to join their company and go work for them. Whats not to like ?
That’s irony, right?
Not only do you work for free, sacrificing 6 months money which at most firms for class one is about £15,000. You also get a ‘job’ on £10,000 less a year than most drivers get.
■■■■ that for a game!
Get a bank loan if you want it that bad!
Get a bank loan? On JSA?
The average cost of a class 1? £2000 maybe £2500?
Straight away they are up £7500 in 6 months if the £20000 is to be believed.
If this is the way we are going give some dignity and bring back the YOP scheme so you can at least get off the dole
Its the individuals call, sacrifice thousands to get the experience…
Anyone know where Northmapton is?
Anyone know where Northmapton is?
Nope…not finished my apprenticeship yet
you didn’t get off the dole on the YOP/YTS scheme. It was dole + £10 per week, plus expenses
Just another cheap labour scheme, and what to stop them after a while of helping in the warehouse for free, of just saying goodbye, i mean theyre claiming JSA anyway, but as others have said, how can a person looking for work and getting benefits go on a training course, unless they have the blessing from the People running the asylum.
bottom of the barrel job, nothing new here just a more inventive way of shafting the driver.
you can imagine all the big wigs shaking hands and back patting when they came up with this idea round the big table.
Sounds like another brainwashing exercise to me ! (new drivers on basic flat rate 24/7 etc).
What’s a ‘Logistics Qualification’ ?