Every trailers have this shunt button.never was use this .in what situation,defects or or must press this button .what this button can help???one driver talk me eho some time if trailer was not use long tome in cold winter weather (not cold UK Weather,much more cold must be).if press this button ,can help to realise brake pads■■?
Shunt button is just that. To shunt trailers in the yard.
You do not connect your airlines and press the black shunt button and handbrake in. This releases the brakes and allows you to move the trailer. Just remember the pull the button and handbrake out before pulling out from underneath.
Not a good sight, seeing your trailer rolling down a hill and knowing theres nothing you can do to stop it.
I don’t know about the cold weather thing but generally a shunt button will be used to move a trailer without the air line being connected, sometimes shunters will use the shunt button rather than connecting the red line, and it can be used to move a trailer if the air line breaks, that’s assuming there’s enough air left in the trailer tank to release the brakes.
I tip a job where you have to more or less jack the trailer round on your blind side so i always take all the lines off and use the shunt to save stretching the lines or snapping them
A lot of places now have a modified system.
This will not allow the shunt button to work and as suh the red line must be fitted to allow the park break to be released …
Every trailers have this shunt button.never was use this .in what situation,defects or or must press this button .what this button can help???one driver talk me eho some time if trailer was not use long tome in cold winter weather (not cold UK Weather,much more cold must be).if press this button ,can help to realise brake pads■■?
Theres a new drivers bit you can ask things like this on pal,to be honest i think your takin the ■■■■
I deliver to farms with a wagon and drag and it often easier to drop the trailer and use the farmers tractor to turn the trailer round so have to use the shunt valve to over ride the trailer brake.
seth 70:
Every trailers have this shunt button.never was use this .in what situation,defects or or must press this button .what this button can help???one driver talk me eho some time if trailer was not use long tome in cold winter weather (not cold UK Weather,much more cold must be).if press this button ,can help to realise brake pads■■?Theres a new drivers bit you can ask things like this on pal,to be honest i think your takin the ■■■■
It’s better than a thread on stobart or a pointless thread on pointless threads. The new drivers section often contains more interesting discussions than the main board and less ■■■■■■■■. We’d do well to welcome some of that attitude here
Freight Dog:
seth 70:
Every trailers have this shunt button.never was use this .in what situation,defects or or must press this button .what this button can help???one driver talk me eho some time if trailer was not use long tome in cold winter weather (not cold UK Weather,much more cold must be).if press this button ,can help to realise brake pads■■?Theres a new drivers bit you can ask things like this on pal,to be honest i think your takin the ■■■■
It’s better than a thread on stobart or a pointless thread on pointless threads. The new drivers section often contains more interesting discussions than the main board and less ■■■■■■■■. We’d do well to welcome some of that attitude here
seth 70:
Freight Dog:
seth 70:
Every trailers have this shunt button.never was use this .in what situation,defects or or must press this button .what this button can help???one driver talk me eho some time if trailer was not use long tome in cold winter weather (not cold UK Weather,much more cold must be).if press this button ,can help to realise brake pads■■?Theres a new drivers bit you can ask things like this on pal,to be honest i think your takin the ■■■■
It’s better than a thread on stobart or a pointless thread on pointless threads. The new drivers section often contains more interesting discussions than the main board and less ■■■■■■■■. We’d do well to welcome some of that attitude here
A member since 2011 and now the fella wants to know what a shunt button is ,the blokes having a laugh on our ,or your expense
I use the shunt button sometimes if I can’t connect the suzies to the trailer. Our trailers are very closely coupled and if the suzies are rusty it can be a struggle to connect them. Hitting the shunt button and turning the unit to the left (or right depending on which side the catwalk ladder is) creates more space so you can get some weight behind it and give it a good push.
Freight Dog:
seth 70:
Every trailers have this shunt button.never was use this .in what situation,defects or or must press this button .what this button can help???one driver talk me eho some time if trailer was not use long tome in cold winter weather (not cold UK Weather,much more cold must be).if press this button ,can help to realise brake pads■■?Theres a new drivers bit you can ask things like this on pal,to be honest i think your takin the ■■■■
It’s better than a thread on stobart or a pointless thread on pointless threads. The new drivers section often contains more interesting discussions than the main board and less ■■■■■■■■. We’d do well to welcome some of that attitude here
+1 for sure
And they call this ‘The UK Professional Drivers Forum’
I despair.
seth 70:
Every trailers have this shunt button.never was use this .in what situation,defects or or must press this button .what this button can help???one driver talk me eho some time if trailer was not use long tome in cold winter weather (not cold UK Weather,much more cold must be).if press this button ,can help to realise brake pads■■?Theres a new drivers bit you can ask things like this on pal,to be honest i think your takin the ■■■■
everythink know just who don t know nothing.are you know everythink.i don t know something,but i know what you don t know.it is normal.my expirience about 3 years.but some people who born here or somewhere can t do to many think what may be i can do easy.
TROLL me thinks ?
English is NOT the op’s first language
seth 70:
Every trailers have this shunt button.never was use this .in what situation,defects or or must press this button .what this button can help???one driver talk me eho some time if trailer was not use long tome in cold winter weather (not cold UK Weather,much more cold must be).if press this button ,can help to realise brake pads■■?Theres a new drivers bit you can ask things like this on pal,to be honest i think your takin the ■■■■
everythink know just who don t know nothing.are you know everythink.i don t know something,but i know what you don t know.it is normal.my expirience about 3 years.but some people who born here or somewhere can t do to many think what may be i can do easy.
I dont understand much of what you have wrote here pal,but with 3yrs driving under your belt surely you know what a shunt button does ,dont you talk to other drivers at work
have you done your dcpc
it doesnt matter if you was born here or timbuktoo you are talking total bollox and should not be let loose with a lorry without knowing basic stuff you come across everyday