Trailer of doom

Is it just me who thinks it would be funny if someone hitched up to one of these and moved it to another layby?


Is it just me who thinks it would be funny if someone hitched up to one of these and moved it to another layby?

well somebody must do it, as those trailer keep getting moved about :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

would be funny if you turned up to an RDC with that trailer on.

driver "well this RDC is always stealing my load, so i thought i would warn other drivers and took this trailer from a lay by as it was just sitting there doing nothing as i’ve noitced it happen to other drivers here as well - i open my doors to show i have nothing valuable on-board, revese up then jump on my bed have my 45 - wake up and do my walk round check only to find someone has half inched my load - dont trust those fork lift drivers - they look very suspicious :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Phone the number on the trailer and ask them where they suggest you should park, then wait for the sudden silence as they try to think of an answer.

Perehaps they could put a Police car in there instead of the trailer?, maybe some of them pretend coppers pcso thingys the ones thast have the power to do nothing yeh them lol.

NAH silly idea they would miss their tea breaks then wouldnt they.

Would you not rather see regular traffic police patrols between 10pm and 6am along the crime “hotspots” rather than a trailer stating the b****ing obvious, taking a precious parking space from a tired trucker! :confused:

I’m pretty sure this has been discussed before. It is all down to cost really. Coppers are expensive, and if something goes down somewhere else, they can’t be patrolling where you are. For the price of a trailer, they are spreading precisely relevant information to people who don’t know the area, and I know when I’ve seen one, I’ve not parked up for the night behind it - I’ve moved on. So I think they are quite useful.
Sure we need more secure parking spots, but how else can you be sure of letting visiting drivers know where the danger spots are ? Cameras are no good except for crime watch programs, and the deed is already done so they don’t stop anything happening.

be even funnier if they stole the trailer in the pic :blush: :laughing: :laughing:

If this is the one on the A5 near Magna Park it doesnt appear to have a Kingpin lock as I did my best to have a look as I went past last Sunday night, which if so, confirms what I thought the previous week.

When Ive seen it its definately had a pin lock on it. Has it got decent tyres on it? :wink:

Be funny if someone loaded it with tyres.

Has that old Parcelforce trailer gone from near Apex corner? It was stuffed to overflowing of tyres and there for weeks, haven’t been that way for a couple of weeks.

is it legal to be parked there
does it have insurance and is it plated
could some one please please either move it and or put a poster up saying “SEE I TOLD YOU IT WAS A NASTY PLACE TO PARK” :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’m pretty sure this has been discussed before.

You’re only right!

It is all down to cost really. Coppers are expensive, and if something goes down somewhere else, they can’t be patrolling where you are.

I was thinking that too. They can’t be everywhere, but, seeing as they don’t nab anyone for speeding, or road tax, or insurance and they don’t come out if you phone them up and say you have a burgular in your home then i’m wondering where they are. Even more so as i’m not paying any less for the Police service.

For the price of a trailer, they are spreading precisely relevant information to people who don’t know the area, and I know when I’ve seen one, I’ve not parked up for the night behind it - I’ve moved on. So I think they are quite useful.

And seeing as its recently been parked in Peterborough MSA, and if they had more trailers then they could realisticly fill every MSA with them, do you recommend we don’t park in MSA’s?

Sure we need more secure parking spots, but how else can you be sure of letting visiting drivers know where the danger spots are ? Cameras are no good except for crime watch programs, and the deed is already done so they don’t stop anything happening.

The danger spots are everywhere.

Just take the lenses off. It’s taking up a parking space ffs. There isn’t enough spaces to park as it is without these idiots using one up to save themselves a job catching crooks.
Police. I’ll tell you, if them fks didn’t get out of bed in the morning I doubt anyone would notice.

Just take the lenses off. It’s taking up a parking space ffs. There isn’t enough spaces to park as it is without these idiots using one up to save themselves a job catching crooks.
Police. I’ll tell you, if them fks didn’t get out of bed in the morning I doubt anyone would notice.

Yeah right, one space is really going to solve the parking problem. I take it you don’t believe in prevention rather than cure ? You would rather get gassed or worse and THEN rely on the police you despise so much to catch the criminals. Do you leave your credit card on the passenger seat when you leave the car too ?

Burn it!

Or… How about the Police actually do something useful like change the wording on the trailer to: “Thieves Beware!” This USED to be a theft hotspot. Now were are constantly patrolling this area in an effort to eradicate this activity."

I think a putting that trailer out is the Police saying that they have given up - the thieves have won. We are not doing anthing about it anymore besides letting you know…