Trailer MOT

Does a trailer still have to display an MOT disc, or have they followed the demise of the tax disc ?

MOT disc still required for trailers

If it doesn’t have a disc, how would you know it was MOT’d or not? What if you move 3, 4, or more trailers per shift? You need to know each one is MOT’d.

At our place, no disc = a defect/VOR.

Yes, a trailer needs to display an MOT disc.

After its 12 months old! It also needs the ticket showing date of registration etc which tells you if it needs the MOT disc

After its 12 months old! It also needs the ticket showing date of registration etc which tells you if it needs the MOT disc

Incorrect, the VTG plate is supplied with a new trailer these days as the manufacturer has to apply for it during the build process.