Trailer MOT Exemption

Help me settle an argument!

We’re looking at this … 0647960175 (King GTS60 low-loader trailer) and wondering how/why it’s MOT exempt.

The two theories are that it’s plant (I can’t see that) or that it’s STGO. Is that right that an STGO trailer (is there really any such thing) is MOT exempt - are there any testing requirements for STGO kit?


All the more reason for it to be MOT’d if it’s doing that sort of work.

just normal inpections

the MOT is part of the Construction and Use regulations (C&U), and if a trailer at any time is used for a job that falls within C&U it must be tested, Trailers and trucks that only work under STGO regs dont have to be tested.

that particular trailer looks to me like it can and probably would work under C&U and cant see why it would be exempt

All the more reason for it to be MOT’d if it’s doing that sort of work.

There is almost no test station that I know of that could accomodate a STGO only trailer much less apply the axle loads required., the same with units that are STGO only, they also are not subject to the MOT.

Somehow I think you would struggle slightly to get that into Beverley Testing Station on Grovehill Road, especially on the brake rollers!

another reason for not needing a MOT could been registered for Recovery hence no MOT needed but if use it for anything but recovering Disabled vehicles it will then need a test

Just ask the guy who’s selling it ! :open_mouth:

It says ERF not RAF:
Just ask the guy who’s selling it ! :open_mouth:

he has a point :unamused:


It says ERF not RAF:
Just ask the guy who’s selling it ! :open_mouth:

he has a point :unamused:

A point??!!! He may know plenty about trucks, but he knows nowt about enjoying a good argument at work.

Why would we want real facts to get in the way of a bit of idle speculation?

If it is overlength, it will automatically fail MOT, but under STGO C&U it is perfectly legal

There are lots of exemptions from MOT from funeral vehicles, living vans (not exceeding 3500kg) and STGO

That seller looks as though he may have some other stuff worth looking at, Did Mr141 want a period trailer for his 141. There is an old Fridge Trailer with a Petter Unit

The Sudden Accident Strato looks a tidy bit of kit for a collector or enthusiast