Traffic light cameras

How do they work and what trigersthem?

The induction loop in the tarmac just beyond the white line.

So if youre in slow moving traffic and halfway accross the junction you should be alright?

So if youre in slow moving traffic and halfway accross the junction you should be alright?

Pass. Wouldn’t like to say. If it flashed and you were over the line, then my arse would be nipping if I was you…

Was it a hatched area? If so you prob shouldn’t have been covering it untill it was clear… Agree with rob tho, I’d be watching the letterbox just in case!

wasnt a hatched area, there was roadworks up ahaed 2 lanes into one, and i waited behind the line on green, untill i could clear the junction, when it was clear, i mved forward, only to find the tipper in lane 2 pulled in front of me into lane one and this meant i couldnt then clear the junction, i was halfway across, and stopped when the lights went red

If you’re on 9 points go back tonight with a hacksaw :laughing:

So you’d completely crossed the solid white stop line before the light turned red? If so no offence commited.

So you’d completely crossed the solid white stop line before the light turned red? If so no offence commited.

Was half way across the junction mate