Tractor units approx 7.5t?

I am sure that the only tractor unit pre 1960s which was rated over 24 tons gtw would be the "Scammell Highwayman " as it was still made into the 60s but of the 50s ones not many if any had full air brakes they were either air assisted or vacuum brakes but were used on heavy haulage carrying a 25 ton plus payload in artic form or around 55 tons gtw in ballast box form.
cheers Johnnie
P S oil company’s used them a lot and did not need much modifying when they raised the weight limit to 32 tons around 1964

Hi all
Come 2013 if you dont have an HGV what ever year you passed your test you will only be able to drive 3,500 kg
Cheers Rich

Hi all
Come 2013 if you dont have an HGV what ever year you passed your test you will only be able to drive 3,500 kg
Cheers Rich

Hi all
Come 2013 if you dont have an HGV what ever year you passed your test you will only be able to drive 3,500 kg
Cheers Rich

Unless you’re only playing out, Rich, like I do (mostly!)

The way I read it Chris there are no exceptions.

The way I read it Chris there are no exceptions.

And now I realise I’ve misread your post Rich - I was thinking about the Driver CPC :blush: