Traction 76

anyone remember traction 76 late 70s early 80s i dont where they were based (may have been felixstowe) but they had left hand drive scania 141s i think dark blue with 76 on the doors, there were a couple of drivers lived in st ives cambs thats where i used to see the units at weekends , i think when they packed up r.e.harradine of earith bought 2 of the units.

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anyone remember traction 76 late 70s early 80s i dont where they were based (may have been felixstowe) but they had left hand drive scania 141s i think dark blue with 76 on the doors, there were a couple of drivers lived in st ives cambs thats where i used to see the units at weekends , i think when they packed up r.e.harradine of earith bought 2 of the units.

I shipped out a few times in the late 70s with Traction76 drivers, as far as I know they were based in the Cambridge area.

I took this pic on the outskirts of Antwerp in March '79, he was heading towards Gent (homeward bound)

They were based on the old bourne airfield Nr Cambridge my old mate John Cambridge worked for them