
Went to install my cb last night and noticed a tracker that wasnt there before so i asked the boss’s bum checker what its tracking etc. I got the response there is no tracker its a tacho monitor (fail) anyway i said im not daft does it record speed etc or just anti theft. (we all do the odd bit of speeding) he said not telling you and the boss doesnt want you to know its there. But its for fuel monitoring.

Anyway if this is recording everything do i have the right to know? And tbh if all 200+ drivers knew hed probably get better mpg.

Its his vehicle he can do what he wants but i just think if anything its abit rude. Plus i dont want the old bill if i was ever speeding using it as evidence.


Then just stick to the speed limits.
When the load isn’t there on time, you’ll have a bulletproof answer for the boss.
“I drove as quickly as it was safe and legal to do so, you can check the tracker info”.

How can he argue with that?

The deeper truth may be that, he knows that in order to get the load on time, you need to speed. He’ll never admit to this, or ask you to do it, but the job revolves around it.
If he wants to put a tracker in your cab, then there is an official record of your speeds and locations.
Best solution is to drive completely by the book.

Yea i suppose im spreading the word and had a nosey its wired to ecu so i think its a full blown one and thats why he dint want us to know because we will stick to limits.

Im not prepaird to be the first one if i ever do go over the limit a little to have tracker evidence used in court.

I think your oppo told you right, it’s more about monitoring how you drive than the actual speeds and locations.

Someone’s probably been ragging the arse off the trucks and either burning fuel or costing a bomb in extra maintanence and he wants to know who.

Wouldn’t lose any sleep over it tbh

I wont but if i get caught speeding and so far through searching its not been done. Is been in court and the copper goes the vehicle tracker shows the driver was speeding for x miles. We know they wanna do us for overspeed and vosa wanna be speed gun armed. IT will come eventually that we will have to do 50 on a34 etc but its the fear i suppose of that one copper using tracker evidence.

And im pointing the finger at hampshire police. :smiling_imp:

Anyway if this is recording everything do i have the right to know?


Plus i dont want the old bill if i was ever speeding using it as evidence.

Says the man who drives a vehicle that has a tacho which records speed…

:unamused: :unamused:

I wont but if i get caught speeding and so far through searching its not been done. Is been in court and the copper goes the vehicle tracker shows the driver was speeding for x miles. :

WTF DO YOU THINK THE TACHOGRAPH CAN DO? It shows what speed you’re doing. They can work out where you’ve been to a point and that you’ve been speeding.

If your really that botherd about what the unit does look for a make/model on it and do abit of googling im sure you will be able to find a spec sheet

As has been mentioed I don’t tink tracker data would be used in any speeding case as its not standarized/necicerily calibrated but tacho info is

our trackers were apparently installed mainly for insurance purposes and to be fair we never get any grief from the office for any other tracker related things.

Thanks aht… And glennman at present your tacho graph cannot in the uk be used as speeding evidence 1. the time can be upto 20 mins out on digi 5 on analogue and 2. Your tacho doesnt show location.
3. A copper could for example be sat in maccys and see you go past 1 call to your boss and there it is 35 in a 30 but aht has put to bed that worry.
As previously said i dont care about the tracker But i do care what happens to the record of my vehicle speed and location. The boss wants them in so it turns out to monitor mpg and all the other stuff but didnt want us to know because we’ll slow down. Seems self defeating but im the driver what do i know.

When we had them installed they didn’t tell us for a month and established a benchmark to measure improvement. You may find you will soon all have a briefing about what the system monitors and what changes the boss wants you to make.