Topless driving

T shirt, shorts and flip flops is my current uniform. Have been for acouple of months now. ■■■■■■■ never, I wish other drivers would observe this!

hang on a minute here A MALE DRIVER COMPLAINING ABOUT A WOMAN WEAR A BIKINI TOP DRIVING TRUCK !!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: personally i wouldnt have had a problem any one see the problem with the above sentance
( knowing what male drivers im one myself are like in traffic jams)
ill bet that better que store would have been busy if youd have turned up like that
:laughing: :laughing:

hehe, can ya remember the sunny spell we had aaawww lets see, april/may time, well… being an agency driver and having not been told any different i took it upon myself one day to wear a bikini top under my shirt, once on the road, off it came! hehe

NOW any other [zb] drivers would be ok with the fact that a female was driving in a bikini top, on a joking side, atleast everyone was looking at the wagon (good advertisement for B&Q), anyway… another fellow employee (name witheld for legal reasons… hehe ((always wanted to say that)) anyway, he saw me and as soon as he got back to the yard reported me to the TM, who consequently called me and told me to put my top back on. My arguement was that I had never been advised of the dress code, except for hiviz and safety boots, but as i now know it won’t happen again. Also, once i got to the store i would have made myself look respectable enough to those that care to give a flying [zb].

Yeah it’s all well and good having a dress code and being professional but sometimes management just take the pizz, i’m having a bad day btw.

I do hope the motor weasn’t air conditioned Tiggz, might have caused a few accidents :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth: :grimacing:. Got a bollocking for wearing this

myself once. No sense of humor some people :unamused: .

Neil, I could give you the address if you like :sunglasses: :open_mouth: :laughing: .

My boss wouldn’t have a problem with me running ■■■■■■■ but i don’t think the general public should be subjected to that spectical! :open_mouth:
Long live my flip flops. :laughing:

We’re not allowed to wear shorts or vest type tops which is what you’d expect delivering bricks to builders merchants and sites…can’t have all those brickies leering at us :stuck_out_tongue:

t-shirt shorts and desert wellies for me i wont go ■■■■■■■ as it would frighten the animals and the fact that my wife says i need a bra. :laughing:

At the moment,with temperatures in the 30’s out on the continent, i’m a regular with shorts and no top. Although my truck has air con, i much prefer to have windows down and fresh air blowing in.

I’m all up for the calender for trucknet 2005, i’ve got the body and i worked hard to get it so i might aswell flaunt it…

As for the male driver that reported me, he’s a jobs worth that needs a baseball bat politely placed round the back of his head.

As for north surrey haulage… can i have a job please? would like to be based in swindon if it’s possible will keep the wagon ship shape and will adhere to all company policies! hehe :laughing: you know ya wanna!

laterz ■■

I think we need pictures.

Steady gurner!!! your blood pressure might hit the roof!

I’m all up for the calender for trucknet 2005, i’ve got the body and i worked hard to get it so i might aswell flaunt it…

Yes we need pictures :wink:

Gurner your close enough to come and find me mate to take a proper look!


I was just thinking the same thing :slight_smile:

Keep the bed warm im just leaving…

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Pictures to be posted tomorow :sunglasses:

shame there isn’t an face with clapping hands… hehe… gurner you were fantastic!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Roalling around on the floor, laughing my ■■■ off :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: .


I’m all up for the calender for trucknet 2005, i’ve got the body and i worked hard to get it so i might aswell flaunt it…

Yes we need pictures :wink:

This could be an idea to raise sponsorship, or money.

Like the Rylstone Womens Institute Calendar :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

TruckNet Trucks and T