Top Gear and the RHA

According to the RHA here lorry drivers “take great exception” to the typecasting shown on Top Gear last weekend. Personally I think it was a hilarious and the jibes about murdering were obviously light hearted and nothing to get worked up about. What do you think?

They were having a laugh and trying something new on there show, although I personally think they could/should have tried harder/better when driving the HGV’s as I was the same as them, 1st timer, but certainly didnt take peoples mirrors off, lose trailers etc etc… They could have made it more realistic,…

Once No
Twice not funny
after that ■■■■■■ off

Same as when ppl say

“it’s ok he/she’s just agency scum”.
I’ll put up with the odd remark but then it gets to the point it aint funny

Bit like some welsh ppl get pi55ed of with the old “Oi sheep sh4gger” remark


I’ll be interested to see how representative the RHA are of the opinions of the drivers on here. :sunglasses:

they’ll take all the entertainment away. Where’s the sense of humor gone i loved the episode and pmsl :laughing:

I take great exception to the RHA.

I take great exception to the RHA.

Now that is one quote I do agree with

I think it was a good episode and my hat goes of to the hamster for getting that ERF going like he did. I do think clarkson went over the top by keep saying that we are all ■■■■■■. :confused: :confused:

I take great exception to the RHA.

Amen, brother.

I voted NO. I didn’t take exception at all. Who do these clowns (RHA) think they are? They haven’t asked me for my opinion, so what makes them think they can speak publicly on my behalf? ARSES! :imp:

I notice that, unlike here, they do not put members views on their site about this issue :exclamation:

There does not seem to be an e-mail address in which to send a response :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I notice that, unlike here, they do not put members views on their site about this issue :exclamation:

There does not seem to be an e-mail address in which to send a response :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

So I wasn’t the only one looking for a comments section or e-mail address on the RHA site to complain to!!!

JC can get stuffed and go forth and multiply as far as I am concerned… :angry:

:smiley: :smiley: google saves the day$364451$2.htm

I voted no aswell

shouldnt the RHA be more interested in getting the british road haulage industry back on its feet and dealing with real issues l

rather than what happened on last nights top gear which was just a bit of fun ok Clarkson was a bit of an idiot with his comments butc you expect it off him

I DIDN’T take exception to it, I took it in the way it was intended, just a bit of fun. PMSL

Would it have been any fun if they had done it by the book? I don’t think so, I’ve watched it 4-5 times now and I’m still laughing. My 7 Year old daughter loved it too. She even told me she wants to be a ‘Lorryist’ when she grows up.

Nowhere to park safely and go to the loo, 3rd world food at Harrods prices, foreigners running for half our rates, sky-high fuel prices - issues the RHA should be dealing with.

Still, pointless posturing over a Television programme is a lot easier I suppose :unamused: .

Why don’t they deal with REAL HGV problems in this country? Sorry, I forgot they are a toothless, pointless organisation that offers nothing except platitudes to haulage industry and toadying ■■■-licking to the politicians.


loved every minute of it, couldn’t stop laughing.
as for the rha the less said the better,just who do they represent not truck drivers oopss sorry “lorryists” thats for sure

:smiley: :smiley: google saves the day$364451$2.htm

Thanks - E-mail sent

Date: 2008/11/03 Mon PM 08:26:13 GMT

May I suggest that you see what truck drivers are actually saying about the programme before posting your own views which do not seem to be in tune !! … highlight=


Top Gear, Sunday 2 November - RHA response
Following the broadcast of the BBC Top Gear programme on Sunday
in which one of the presenters, Jeremy Clarkson made what were
considered to be wholly inappropriate comments regarding HGV
drivewrs, RHA Chief Executive Roger King has written to Mr Mark
Thomson, Director General of the BBC. The transcript of Mr
King’s letter is as follows…
Dear Sir
Having watched Sunday’s Top Gear programme on BBC2 and the
antics of the three presenters when driving heavy goods
vehicles, I am not alone in wishing to express my disgust at
the way this part of the programme was executed.
The Road Haulage Association represents some 9,500 road haulage
companies operating nearly 100 thousand HGVs on our roads. Not
every goods vehicle driver is beyond reproach but, as an
industry, we pride ourselves in seeking to obtain the highest
professional excellence in driving standards.
Driving a truck through brick walls and other obstacles
trivialises the essential role of the goods vehicle in fuelling
the basic needs of the UK economy. These vehicles are very
challenging to drive as your presenters discovered, although it
has to be said, unladen trucks are nowhere near as challenging
as those that are fully laden.
What has truly upset our members is the reference by Jeremy
Clarkson that as a “self-acclaimed goods vehicle driver”, he
felt the need to ‘murder prostitutes’. Whilst this could be
interpreted as being ‘humorous’ by some, it certainly is not
seen that way by over half a million lorry drivers who take
great exception at such type casting.
At a time when the BBC has come in for much criticism over the
Brand/Ross debacle, I would have thought more attention would
be made to ensure that highly paid tv presenters did not
gratuitously insult other members of the working population.
I look forward your response.
Roger King
Chief Executive
Road Haulage Association

I took exception to the “murdering prossies” comments, not just the typecasting issue, but I dare say the relatives and friends and survivors would not find anything light hearted about JC’s comments!

The RHA hmmm, representative of Britain’s truck drivers? I don’t think so, sure they may half heartedly lobby for some of our causes, but they are doing very well at typecasting themselves akin to the self-serving prehistoric unions that helped in the downfall of British manufacturing.

Just remember who are RHA members, it isn’t the tramper, or the hard worked & stressed multi drop driver :wink: , it’s the company he works for.

It seems to me that the RHA are in a very comfortable position, sucking up to their members and sucking up to the government, with the odd polite protest here and there to keep the members happy, and as a spokesperson for the DfT, something is afoot methinks.

IMO it’s about time they wear their trouser leg below the knee and grow testes and start to lobby hard enough to put some uncomfortable pressure on the government about the issues that are going to ■■■■■■■ the UK haulage industry.

Edit: BTW, I am not a member neither is the company I work for, so thats about 7000 drivers that they don’t represent!