Top Cat

September’s edition of Truck 'n Driver has an obituary for Terry Cashmore, top man ‘Top Cat’

Yes I read it last night when I was on my 45.
A fitting tribute.
Many of us think we’ve done a lot in our careers,but Terry really did cram a lot into his years,sadly cut short,we’ll miss his banter.
RIP Terry.

R.I.P Mr Cashmore :frowning:

ive read it in T&D RIP Top Cat another good lad gone :cry:

hiya Terry had a good send off. in his last years of work he kept a pub in leek. this is where they had the wake for him.
i was told the pub was still full, long long even longer after closing time.that was Terry, he was always up for a pint or two.
i,ve had quite a few with him over the years, have a rest mate.

rip terry.had many good nights out in Antwerp with him many years ago