Saw tony,s super space cab on the M25 last week anybody know if hes still running to morroco must be will into his 70,s now.

is that the tony bradfield who was subbing for martintrux 25+ yrs ago?

yeah he is, i saw him on a boat not so long ago on his way out…

I used to run with tony ( Large rum & coke please !! ) when we pulled for GBE out of cherbourg. Does he still live in Swindon ■■?

I was actually in Tony’s black globetrotter with him when it caught fire one sunday night in cherbourg. I gave him a lift home to Swindon and met his lovely wife Carol. Great bloke Tony, Also bumped into “■■■■■■■■■ John last year, one of the GBE subbies.Tony B. had a mate ,also called Tony, who ran with him to Spain for GBE… is he still doin’ the bizz ■■

Tony Bradfield!!
A great mate of mine from way back when we both worked for old Bill Baxter. Glad to hear the old boy is still on the road. A real one for the ladies was our Tony - bless him. Could always find him parked outside one of the ‘clubs’ en route to Spain in the 80’s
If anybody see him out there tell him Wendy/Mothertrucker said a big hello. :laughing:

Remember Tony well when he was on GBE,I also remember when his "Hot to Trot " Globetrotter caught fire. His friend the other Tony was very quiet compaired to Tony Bradfield ,I seem to remember they had been buisness partners at one time. I saw Tonys DAF out side the “club” on the Burgos side of Victors when I passed in the car last year.

I saw Tonys DAF out side the “club” on the Burgos side of Victors when I passed in the car last year.

No change there then :laughing: :laughing:

Tony’s other great love was animals and nobody ill treated an animal while Tony was around.
Is he still with the lovely long suffering Carol I wonder :question:

Norman Bonus:
I used to run with tony ( Large rum & coke please !! ) when we pulled for GBE out of cherbourg. Does he still live in Swindon ■■?

Tony still lives in Swindon - saw his unit parked in a local tpt company yard a few days ago,was coupled up to a Davies Turner step frame.

met 1 of his drivers over here couple of weeks ago and he said tony still doin maroc for dt.

Does anyone know Tony Bradfield’s e-mail address or phone number or how to get a message ( non-urgent ) to him ■■

Hi I think that I bought this Scania 141 from Tony a very long time ago I seem to remember that I went to look at it Ipswich way he was pulling fridges with it then.
I later met him when he subbed for Southern Transport Services out of Southampton going to Barcelona.

Regards Pat

Tony is still running to North Africa,in his Super Space Cab Daf.He was 76 in September,& plans on keeping going as long as he can.I am his nephew Will Bradfield,so i have the info on him.He gave me my first driving job nearly 30 years ago,pulling Martintrux trailers through Europe,i also did a spell with him doing North Africa in the late 90’s.Good bloke to work for & his word is his word.
I doubled up with him recently to Algeciras, as we had to do a flyer,& i can tell you all that he has not lost his touch.The only thing that we differ in is that i drive a 500 Magnum,& he is not a fan of them,other than that he is my No 1 uncle. (THE ACE)

Great to hear Tony is still going strong Will.
Agree with him about the Magnums though and cant see him in a Magnum - he might break his neck with those flaming steps!!
That would never do :laughing:

I had a call from a mate last night,Tony has had a stroke.
I am trying to get more details,all I know was it was in the last 2 weeks.
We all wish him the best.

Hello all,Uncle Tony has not had a stroke,but the last couple of weeks he has been under the weather,had some tests for this and that.However Tony being Tony,while at home,had new alloy wheels fitted & the exhausts “growled”.As i write this he is a couple of hours off docking in Santander,having caught the boat in Poole yesterday,on route to Morocco.
Thanks for your concern about him,i am sure he has many more trips left in him.
While he was at home i spoke to him everyday,he said it was a shame that i was working otherwise i could have covered for him.
He always rings me on his return to the UK & i will let him Know you were asking about him.

Thanks for the concern Will Bradfield.

Will, Very glad to hear Tony is ok and still going over the water.When you see or phone him next, tell him Martin & Bozz ( ex-subbies GBE ) wish him all the best

i saw tony last yaer in morroco havent seen him since and he was pulling for davis turner

Tony is still running to Morocco for Davies Turner, has been since JMI went down the pan.