Tonights parliamentary vote result ! your thoughts


Perhaps some of it is fiction,However since we joined the Eu 45 odd years ago we have lost a lot of manufacturing encouraged through the EU out of the UK .That is fact .They are now putting in force an EU army ,Just a few months ago that was denied .They are getting out of hand and we are wise to leave on WTO rules until we can sort out the UK’s problems and forget funding our own decline .

Unlike most on here I will only comment on what I know is true.

The fishing industry comment is also an untruth.

80% of the UK fishing quota is owned by foreign companies and members of Rich List. 25% is owned by 4 families. Without the EU our fishermen will be in a far worse position.

Horse dung .



Perhaps some of it is fiction,However since we joined the Eu 45 odd years ago we have lost a lot of manufacturing encouraged through the EU out of the UK .That is fact .They are now putting in force an EU army ,Just a few months ago that was denied .They are getting out of hand and we are wise to leave on WTO rules until we can sort out the UK’s problems and forget funding our own decline .

Unlike most on here I will only comment on what I know is true.

The fishing industry comment is also an untruth.

80% of the UK fishing quota is owned by foreign companies and members of Rich List. 25% is owned by 4 families. Without the EU our fishermen will be in a far worse position.

Horse dung .

nice one… (though I wasn’t the one who admitted he post some things that weren’t true…)

If you truly believe that the owners of this quota will not just sell it on to foreign fleets, I am happy for you mate!




Perhaps some of it is fiction,However since we joined the Eu 45 odd years ago we have lost a lot of manufacturing encouraged through the EU out of the UK .That is fact .They are now putting in force an EU army ,Just a few months ago that was denied .They are getting out of hand and we are wise to leave on WTO rules until we can sort out the UK’s problems and forget funding our own decline .

Unlike most on here I will only comment on what I know is true.

The fishing industry comment is also an untruth.

80% of the UK fishing quota is owned by foreign companies and members of Rich List. 25% is owned by 4 families. Without the EU our fishermen will be in a far worse position.

Horse dung .

nice one… (though I wasn’t the one who admitted he post some things that weren’t true…)

If you truly believe that the owners of this quota will not just sell it on to foreign fleets, I am happy for you mate!

In English ?

What about the EU SUPERSTATE PESCO (EU army), it wants to get bigger, nearer to Russia if you can’t see why they really want an army then you must be stupid, they will be used on their own citizens, dissenters they claim to of kept the piece since the last ww, that is bollox Italy has had enough of the eurabia crap,the populists are rising the eu is all but finished

Last nights vote result shows how far apart MPs are from the electorate

My simple logic view is that a deal was agreed between the UK & EU then for personal and political reasons many MPs voted against it

Lets just leave with no deal

Last nights vote result shows how far apart MPs are from the electorate

My simple logic view is that a deal was agreed between the UK & EU then for personal and political reasons many MPs voted against it

Lets just leave with no deal

Well that was what 17.4 million of us voted for , there was only 2 options on the referendum ballot paper Leave or remain , no talk of a deal that wasn’t an option , respect the vote or they will regret betraying us just look at France right now

Could argue may is playing hard ball making the EU sweat so she can get the best deal.

Let’s say she does say there will be no hard brexit or she will extend Article 50.
This gives her 0 bargaining power.

Now she has won the No confidence vote she can go to the EU and say this is what we want or we are crashing out and no one can stop me now.
If hard brexit happens it will be a huge failure for the EU, particularly their leaders.

I guess it’s a game of chicken now. :laughing:
Either way I don’t give a crap what way it goes now as long as it doesn’t involve another referendum.

Could argue may is playing hard ball making the EU sweat so she can get the best deal.

Playing hard ball would be to insist on leaving with no deal, and actually doing it. This would put the EU into a subservient position, and likely push them into making concessions to us. Remember, the one who holds all the power in any relationship is the one who cares less about that relationship, and the one who can, and will walk away.

It is painfully obvious May wants us to remain tied .And that is probably what will happen ,A huge kick in the teeth of democracy for every one in the Uk ,Remainers and leavers .
This has gone on far to long now .We are yet again Devided and conquered .
Roll on the Spring .

Forget who you voted for at the last or even previous General Election.

Talk of a referendum has been whispered in those corridors of Westminster for a very long time. It just happened to be the Tory government in power at the time it was announced. Cameron thought his vote would be rejected outright. It wasn’t, he panicked and left his flat with rent owing. Theresa May realised there was still some food in the fridge and the TV licence was up to date.

17.4 Million told their elected MP’s, MP’s of all parties to leave the EU. It was a huge majority of MP’s that voted to invoke Article 50.

Joe Public and Fred Landowner expect all the MP’s to come to a beneficial agreement with the EU, not just the ruling party. They haven’t done this, they haven’t followed your mandate.

650 members of parliament must work together to get the best possible deal for Britain, not Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales or England.

That must happen on or before 29th March 2019.

Diane Abbot actually uttered the other night “If there was a second referendum, the result would be the same as the first time”. It is easily the most intelligent thing she’s ever said, and that’s saying something.

The time for reasons to be given to vote Remain was before the referendum - but all we got was “Don’t vote Leave, because it will be bad if you do!”
Cameron could have said “If we vote Leave, you won’t get the 5p cut in income tax that my chum George Osbourne is planning”…
…or he could have said “If you vote Leave, I’ll resign, and my successor won’t get a majority in any forthcoming election”…
…or he could have even said “If you vote Remain, I’ll resign immediately, and let Labour in”.

Let’s face it - our parliamentary shower are NOT gambling types, they DON’T have any “skin in the game”, and they are only interested in looking after their own number, and maintaining the gravy train - be they Labour, Libdem, or Conservative.

What we need at Westminster - are MPs who are not in it for the money. They are retired from needing a full time job, and are disallowed from claiming expenses.

If Trump can draw $1 a year salary, and attempt to get a stack of “deadwood” government workers off the public sector teet - then imagine how popular a future PM of this country would be, if they upset the gravy train that has all kinds of wrong people in it for the wrong reasons…

One point of note however… Corbyn might not have come down from the fence yet - but Tracey Crouch seems to have done so - and joined the Rebels against Theresa May’s (deliberately) bum deal for Brexit…

She is still PM though, having survived two votes of no confidence in quick succession… NO snap election, and NO ruling out a No Deal Brexit. The PM can now forge ahead, and do what she likes, as she’s bulletproof for the rest of the year. What are Parliament going to do - now that they’ve had their meaningful vote, didn’t win anything WITH it, and the PM is now free to ram home as hard a Brexit as she likes?

Graham Brady (Hardline Brexiteer) - isn’t chuckling to himself for the good of his health here… (He was one of the 117 that voted against - the whole thing was a feint to trick the remainers into supporting the PM with a bum deal that was prima facia “Hard Remain” in all but name!)
He’s got that “They bought it hook, line and sinker!” look on his face!

May only had to get her sneaky plan for No Deal past her own Remainer contigent of the Conservative Party. She would only fall from power if THEY voted against her in EITHER vote of no confidence.
The Opposition, and later Tory Remainers - will realize how had they’ve been - when March 29th sees the completion of the preparations for the proper hard Brexit we wanted and voted for all along.

Corbyn could have injected some Left aspect to Brexit, but by staying away from the consultation meetings now going on - he’s given up any chance further to influence it, meaning we’ll also be getting a rather “RIght” version of Brexit, not that I have any problem with that! :sunglasses: :laughing: :grimacing:


Could argue may is playing hard ball making the EU sweat so she can get the best deal.

Playing hard ball would be to insist on leaving with no deal, and actually doing it. This would put the EU into a subservient position, and likely push them into making concessions to us. Remember, the one who holds all the power in any relationship is the one who cares less about that relationship, and the one who can, and will walk away.

If May had come out sooner for pushing a No Deal Brexit, then the vote of no confidence brought by Corbyn would have had the Brexiteer 117 voting FOR the PM instead of against, whilst the 200 Remainer contingent would have voted against - thus bringing down Theresa May’s premiership. If there were an election before Brexit is delivered, then rest assured - WHOMEVER wins it would likely shelve Brexit upon taking office.
I must trust and have faith in Theresa May’s delivery intent for Brexit now. If she really wanted to sabotage it - then she would have tried to get an honest brexit deal through parliament - and failed to do so, thanks to her lack of majority. Graham Brady’s face upon announcing the no confidence vote - suggests that he estimated to the exact number - how the voting would go. He had to get the Brexiteers to apparently reject this closet Brexiteer PM, whilst tricking the 200 Remainer contingent into keeping May in office, rather than throwing her under the bus, and handing the keys to number 10 to Corbyn, ready or not…
Corbyn, upon taking office - would of course be offered a “deal he cannot refuse” by the EU. There’s no money. The EU offers a 0% credit line for all Labour’s lavish spending plans - IF Brexit is buried on the spot!
Corbyn would then be told by Keir Starmer that “If you dont’ take this deal from the EU, I’ll be replacing you as PM with a no confidence motion of my own”.
THAT is why Brexit cannot happen - unless it happens on March 29th now. Who best but the ruling party to deliver it? Promises are unlikely to be broken - because the wrath of the 17.4m is close at hand if she, and the wider Conservatives - do.

Promises are unlikely to be broken - because the wrath of the 17.4m is close at hand if she, and the wider Conservatives - do. [/b]

Wrath? We’re talking about Brits, the most docile people known this side of the sloth, and mortgaged to the hilt to boot. There’ll be a couple of silver-haired marches and some stern tweets referencing “Tommy Robinson”, then, with faces buried in smartphones, we’d all traipse back to work Monday with solemn faces.


Promises are unlikely to be broken - because the wrath of the 17.4m is close at hand if she, and the wider Conservatives - do. [/b]

Wrath? We’re talking about Brits, the most docile people known this side of the sloth, and mortgaged to the hilt to boot. There’ll be a couple of silver-haired marches and some stern tweets referencing “Tommy Robinson”, then, with faces buried in smartphones, we’d all traipse back to work Monday with solemn faces.

Speak for yourself pal .

People need to get beyond this notion that Brexit is some Right Wing Wish-List project.

It ain’t. It is the best chance for ordinary PAYE taxpayer working Brits to improve their lot in our lifetimes!

If it is the case that these PAYE working taxpayers are “Right Wing” - then Labour are toast, as who is it they now represent, if not the worker?

Surely Labour cannot all be about “Middle Management” or “Union Reps”, or even higher-up champagne socialist types…?

If I don’t vote for Corbyn - it WON’T be “because he’s marxist”.
If I don’t vote UKIP - it WON’T be because I don’t like a guy who calls himself “Robinson” really having the double-barrelled name “Yaxley Lennon”.
If I don’t vote Tory - it WON’T be because they delivered Brexit OK, but then said something limpdem sounding that I didn’t like…

On the other hand, if I WON’T vote Green - it WILL be because I don’t believe in man-made climate change.
I WON’T vote Libdem - because it no longer represents British People, except those on the EU payrol directly, or indirectly.

Oh, and I WON’T be voting for Farage’s new party either. I’m disgusted that he’d split the vote over his spat against Gerard Batten, and put Brexit at risk as a result! :imp:
In any case, if Brexit is DONE by the next election - we won’t have any need for another “Brexit Party” in any case. :bulb: