TomTom on your Mobile Phone what do you think?

Hi All.

Just wondering what drivers think of TomTom on your Mobile Phone

I use a Nokia 6630 with TomTom Mobile 5 it has Low Bridge Warnings on, and it does the job well.

Does anyone else use a Smart Phone and sat-nav? which one?

Thank to all that reply.

i have copilot 6 smartphone and a tmobile sda and reveiwed it there has been a patch released for it and it seams to have sorted some of the routing out.

i did test tomtom on the sda aswell and it work very well.

David 51 i know has a similar set up

I’m using copilot 6 on a tmob sda and i am very impressed with it. Gives accurate etas, sensible routing and up to date traffic alerts. Saves having a mobile and a seperate satnav. Can even access the internet on it on nights out.

I`ve got co-pilot 6 on a T-mobile mda vario (for free on flext 50) and i find it excellent.