Today is the day

I feel I want to kill someone.

Every day I feel my life is not very good, most days I feel I want to beat my boss to as pulp, some days I want to drag people out of their cars and ask them if they know what a ■■■■■■■ indicator is.

Today is the day I feel the need to kill someone she had the trust of parents she probably smiled at them as they dropped their kids off to go to work, she needs to be ■■■■■■■ hung BUT in ouir namby pamby world of people having their ■■■■■■■ rightsa she will go to prison for a coupld of years be released given a new identity and allowed to do it again.

ILL do it someobody let me in with her.


Remember this face.

Trust has to be earned she abused it…

It’s disgraceful, disgusting, appalling, and anything else I can think of when a man does this …

… but when a woman does it■■? :confused: :frowning:
