To do it or not to do it that is the question

Currently employed in am office job at manchester airport and would really like to make the transition to the open road (or slightly congested) however i currently earn £18330 per year and would like to know if I could realistic earn that amount driving given that I would be 24yrs old, inexperienced etc etc.

Any help/advice appreciated!!!


difficult to say, if you’ve not got the licenses and your already in a decent job you’ve got to really want to be a truck driver to do it, it’s time consuming and expensive to get qualified to c+e which you relly need if your going to earn any money, having said that i know several drivers that are on £25,000 - £30,000 a year although these are experienced drivers so it’s prob a case of working your way up to them sort of jobs.
i personally couldn’t spend two hours in an office without pulling my hair out!

I earn between 25-30K a year,but I tramp all week and get 3-4 nights out a week.
Like Paul above has said you really have to want to be a trucker,for it to pay off.
you can earn 5 grand a year full time if you get a job off jobcentre plus, :laughing: :laughing: or you can earn 30 grand a year,it all depends the sort of work you wanna do,
If you do multidrop on days you aint gonna earn as much as someone who works on the continent away for 3-4 weeks at a time :wink: :wink:
As many people say “its all swings and roundabouts”

I’m 24, passed my class 2 last august and my job pays £420 per week for 60 hours, which I worked out as about £21k per year. That’s delivering multidrop pallets, no nights out. So yes you could possibly earn what you are after.

Hi GMANSCAN - you’re situation sounds very familiar!

I’m 24, and passed my C and C+E, both within the last year.

I gave up a managers job (earning about £21k / year) to go driving for a supermarket and earn about £27 k / year now.

I get to drive all the brand new kit - a ‘54’ reg FM12 sleeper (though sadly not a Globetrotter :wink: ), with an ‘05 Schmitz CargoBull - reefer either a 35’ or a 44’ depending how tight store access is. The trucks we have are first class - top of the range Volvos, but we don’t have to do any nights out!

The lads you get to work with are always helpful too. I have found that there’s a great sense of camaraderie amongst drivers - no matter what the name on the side of your trailer is - you’re a driver!

I work slightly more hours now, (last week I ‘worked’ 56 hours) but I don’t ever notice because I love the job and I’m never looking to see if it’s time to go home yet!

I guess what I’m saying is ‘GO FOR IT!’ I got my licences and then ‘ummed and aaahhhed’ for too long.

You only get one go at life, so if you don’t try you’ll never know.

In my opinion, it’s the best career move you’ll ever make. You can’t compare it to other jobs!

hey there GMANSCAN…welcome to trucknet mate!!!

Do it…thats all i can say!!! Once u have passed both of those tests its a great feeling! Im only 22 years old and i have my first interview 2mr with Business Post. You’ll hear a lot of Old experienced truckers sayin…“ooooh no chance mate you need 2 years experience and if your not 25…no chance!!”…what a load of rubbish is all i can say…well partly true for a lot of companies…but there are a hell of a lot of big companies out there looking for newly passed drivers with no age requirements…obviously 21+

You just have to find em but its not difficult. Ring EVERYONE!!!

Good luck with your descision.

Welcome to Trucknet GMANSCAN!

It’s a decision only you can make but whatever you decide I wish you well. :smiley: :smiley:

Welcome to Trucknet GMANSCAN!

It’s a decision only you can make but whatever you decide I wish you well. :smiley: :smiley:

ditto :laughing:

As said above GMANSCAN you are the only one who can make the decision. At the moment the opportunity to make more than you earn now is there but may involve more hours for it. Good luck and whatever you decide I wish you well :smiley: :smiley: .

Hi Gman
There are jobs out there where you can earn that money, im the other side of manc from you i drive class2 50 hours a week mon - fri for 19.5k and home for 4pm everyday


like people say the decision is down to you.

but office work■■? if you don’t like it get out and find a job you want to do.

i’ve just quit a job i did for nearly ten years after uni cos the money was ‘alright’ ,but i actually hated every second of, starting first proper hgv job this week and will be earning same or more but actually doing something i want to do.thats more important than the money side.

then again if i was 24 and earning 18 1/2 pa i’d be a pretty happy chappie!!!