TNUK website problem?

Evening everyone
Does anyone else have a “not normal” look to the TNUK website? All the formatting has gone TU.
Tried on my laptop and iPad and both look pants!


I’ve only had it happen a few times so prob a glitch somewhere …

Did have 5 mins ago, seems ok now on ipad

aye. same here. its goosed

I’ve had it once or twice just refresh and it comes back normal. Tnuk geeks need to get the finger out and stop watching the tennis!

Same here,its gone all strange :roll:

Thanks everyone, all playing nicely now.
Time for a beer…

Had this all morning was blaming my poxy phone!

its still not good ,it wont do smileys etc ,and when you go back to other pages it go,s back to menu ,WAITER

all the forums are ok but when you click onto the main driver one its all weird!!! wots going on■■?

Apologies that we had to take the forums off line last night. This was due to a fault that kept corrupting the website. We are back up now for a trial to see if the problem has been resolved, but please be aware if it hasn’t, there is every possibility we will have to take the site down again.

Some sections still not working matey, Ive not checked all but the newbie section still displays the ’ could not get style data ’ message. :slight_smile:

The website is back live but is being worked on , so it may continue to have issues or go offline at any point…

I’m getting text only in Safari and Chrome. The only graphics are the buttons - B, i, quote etc - in the reply window. Other than that it looks like a message board from the early 1990s.

I get an awful white background with blue writing; Can’t view most photos, just get ? or the “image” icon. It’s very slow loading too, my phone times out most times before the page loads (although I’ve got an S3 which is well known for losing wifi connection).

Hi I’m trying to put pics on South Wales hauliers 60& 70’s will not allow me to upload anything keeps telling me can’t upload file with a load of codes with it can you help cheers john. (Small coal)

its only showing half of a page ,is eveyone having same probs

its only half of page showing

Is it me or has the page size gone to EXTRA Humongus?

Where is the edit button?