Tnuk is dead lets bury it

TNUK is dead done with, no one in charge wants to sort the problem out so just put us all out of our pain and close the site down, surely I am not alone with this, Buzzer

I think that’s what the forum owners want, the problem has been going on too long now with seemingly no effort to solve it. They certainly don’t deserve to have loyal members trying to battle on… They should remember, without members there is no forum, no sponsors, no income. Another week of this and those loyal members will pack it in, Such a shame.

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grumpy old man:
I think that’s what the forum owners want, the problem has been going on too long now with seemingly no effort to solve it. They certainly don’t deserve to have loyal members trying to battle on… They should remember, without members there is no forum, no sponsors, no income. Another week of this and those loyal members will pack it in, Such a shame.

100% Grumpy , Buzzer
Just shot the dying beast and put it out of its misery

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TNUK is dead done with, no one in charge wants to sort the problem out so just put us all out of our pain and close the site down, surely I am not alone with this, Buzzer

I don’t know about you being alone, but I certainly disagree: who says no one wants to sort the problem out? Maybe it’s more technologically complex than the average TN user realises?

What are you going to be viewing if you’re not trying to get on TN?
Fakebook? :unamused: Great if you want to see people slagging each other off with all the panache of a six-year-old.
Tik-Tok :laughing:


Just because we’re having some technical issues we should shut the site down. Sweet Jesus, I hope none of you ever have to go into hospital for an ingrown toe-nail. Sure, recently it’s been a pain in the ■■■ sometimes with loading issues but to shut it down just for that would be absurd. Until someone in authority (whoever they are) says that the problems are insurmountable let’s keep going - at least for the next few years and nature will take it’s course.


I tried Facebook and immediately got rid of it, what a load of rubbish, all it was photos of lost phones and keys , or does anyone know of a cheap tradesman but not spending more than ÂŁ1000 for a new kitchen.
Never heard of Checkatrade or look in the phone book have they not?

Same for Thik Tok, got shot of that trash with the diatribe of life hacks gone viral and Tok star who has so many views, how does that make them a star.
Or the ubiquitous pathetic: It’s gone viral, pass the sick bag.

Well Give me TNUK Anytime and hopefully the problem will get solved, Perhaps the folk who maintain the running of it may be on strike, Who knows :question: Larry.


I have stopped checking in recently. Site just doesn’t work most of the time.
I’ll open Tapatalk and try it, if it doesn’t load in 30 secs, I’m off. Unfortunately that is most of the time.

Obviously a small technical problem.So your solution is to wipe out over a decade of the irreplaceable input it contains, covering the history of the industry from its earliest beginnings, by closing it all down.
Why would you want to do that.

Lawrence Dunbar:
Well Give me TNUK Anytime and hopefully the problem will get solved, Perhaps the folk who maintain the running of it may be on strike, Who knows :question: Larry.

+1. Patience is a virtue. Happily I normally have a good dose.

TNUK is dead done with, no one in charge wants to sort the problem out so just put us all out of our pain and close the site down, surely I am not alone with this, Buzzer

I think an average of one reply per hour solidly for the past 12 hours proves that, yes it is struggling, but not yet dead.

How many more threads are you going to start saying that you are flouncing off, before you actually do?

Although I can empathise with Buzzer’s frustration , I wouldn’t go so far as saying that the site is dead to be fair .
With a fair wind at my back , I can just about manage to operate my mobile phone and my iPad , to a level equivalent to that of a six year old it must be said , so I have no idea what’s gone wrong here , but at least I’ve managed to post this comment , or at least I think I have … time will tell at any rate .

The thing is , or it is to my mind , that with the advent of this new fangled technology we all appear to to have become accustomed to expecting an instantaneous response to every manderous thing . ( that word manderous doesn’t look right somehow .)

Take Amazon Prime for one example , pay 80 odd quid a year for next day delivery or pay zb -all and wait a fortnight for postman Pat to rock up with your gear , like wot I do .
I do realise that many of the members on here , myself included , have been occupying a seat in God’s waiting room for quite some time ,and may be in a bit of a rush , but an incident that occurred recently brought me back to reality when I rang my mate on a 20 quid phone purchased from Tesco years ago .

I chatted with him for half an hour , clear as a bell , at the astronomic cost of 30p before I realised he was on holiday with his family in the Chezk Republic . ( is that really how they spell Chezk ? ) , It doesn’t look right to me , but I’m having to trust this bloody iPad ….Chzek….is that any better ? … B***ocks to it anyway , you all know where I’m on about .

The point I’m trying to make here is that we’ve come a long way in the last 30 years or so . Possibly too far in too short a space of time if truth be known .
So I would advise patience … patience Grasshopper … all will be well in the end .
Of this I remain firmly convinced .

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There seems to be a split in opinions here…

To the optimistic few, I say… thank you for your patience.

To the others I say… I’m disappointed that you haven’t posted your concerns in the Feedback Forum because that’s the proper place for you to air those views and to get answers.

:bulb: If you were to have a look at the Feedback Forum, you’d see that the site slowdown is already being discussed. :wink:

For those of you who’d have trouble navigating to a different forum, I provide a helpful link below and apologise in advance for the nosebleed that you’re about to experience. :laughing: :wink: :unamused: :laughing:

CLICKY :arrow_right: TNUK go slow / slow loading. [Merged] - FEEDBACK FORUM - Let Us Know! (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK

To save you time, please check out my post called “Update,” then watch for an announcement as soon as I have something else to tell you.

I hope this helps. :smiley:

Eddie Heaton:
Although I can empathise with Buzzer’s frustration , I wouldn’t go so far as saying that the site is dead to be fair .
With a fair wind at my back , I can just about manage to operate my mobile phone and my iPad , to a level equivalent to that of a six year old it must be said , so I have no idea what’s gone wrong here , but at least I’ve managed to post this comment , or at least I think I have … time will tell at any rate .

The thing is , or it is to my mind , that with the advent of this new fangled technology we all appear to to have become accustomed to expecting an instantaneous response to every manderous thing . ( that word manderous doesn’t look right somehow .)

Take Amazon Prime for one example , pay 80 odd quid a year for next day delivery or pay zb -all and wait a fortnight for postman Pat to rock up with your gear , like wot I do .
I do realise that many of the members on here , myself included , have been occupying a seat in God’s waiting room for quite some time ,and may be in a bit of a rush , but an incident that occurred recently brought me back to reality when I rang my mate on a 20 quid phone purchased from Tesco years ago .

I chatted with him for half an hour , clear as a bell , at the astronomic cost of 30p before I realised he was on holiday with his family in the Chezk Republic . ( is that really how they spell Chezk ? ) , It doesn’t look right to me , but I’m having to trust this bloody iPad ….Chzek….is that any better ? … B***ocks to it anyway , you all know where I’m on about .

The point I’m trying to make here is that we’ve come a long way in the last 30 years or so . Possibly too far in too short a space of time if truth be known .
So I would advise patience … patience Grasshopper … all will be well in the end .
Of this I remain firmly convinced .

That’s it in a nutshell, everyone demands instant response to their actions. For those who can’t wait those extra few seconds (and that’s all it is with me, don’t know about others) can I suggest that you simply stay logged in as it only seems to be the initial opening sequence that’s the problem. Another alternative would be to log on and then go for your morning crap. Should be fine by the time you get back in front of the screen.

Dennis Javelin:

Eddie Heaton:
Although I can empathise with Buzzer’s frustration , I wouldn’t go so far as saying that the site is dead to be fair .
With a fair wind at my back , I can just about manage to operate my mobile phone and my iPad , to a level equivalent to that of a six year old it must be said , so I have no idea what’s gone wrong here , but at least I’ve managed to post this comment , or at least I think I have … time will tell at any rate .

The thing is , or it is to my mind , that with the advent of this new fangled technology we all appear to to have become accustomed to expecting an instantaneous response to every manderous thing . ( that word manderous doesn’t look right somehow .)

Take Amazon Prime for one example , pay 80 odd quid a year for next day delivery or pay zb -all and wait a fortnight for postman Pat to rock up with your gear , like wot I do .
I do realise that many of the members on here , myself included , have been occupying a seat in God’s waiting room for quite some time ,and may be in a bit of a rush , but an incident that occurred recently brought me back to reality when I rang my mate on a 20 quid phone purchased from Tesco years ago .

I chatted with him for half an hour , clear as a bell , at the astronomic cost of 30p before I realised he was on holiday with his family in the Chezk Republic . ( is that really how they spell Chezk ? ) , It doesn’t look right to me , but I’m having to trust this bloody iPad ….Chzek….is that any better ? … B***ocks to it anyway , you all know where I’m on about .

The point I’m trying to make here is that we’ve come a long way in the last 30 years or so . Possibly too far in too short a space of time if truth be known .
So I would advise patience … patience Grasshopper … all will be well in the end .
Of this I remain firmly convinced .

That’s it in a nutshell, everyone demands instant response to their actions. For those who can’t wait those extra few seconds (and that’s all it is with me, don’t know about others) can I suggest that you simply stay logged in as it only seems to be the initial opening sequence that’s the problem. Another alternative would be to log on and then go for your morning crap. Should be fine by the time you get back in front of the screen.

Most would have patience if it had only just started happening , but it hasn’t ! It’s been going on for over a month and not for the 1st time but the 3rd time in the last 2 years :unamused: ,
That’s my 10p worth
I’ll leave you lot to your crash twin split gearboxes , and rose tinted specs , supping warm beer and single malts , in Gods waiting room while I go out and pay my tax to pay your pension :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

That’s it in a nutshell, everyone demands instant response to their actions. For those who can’t wait those extra few seconds (and that’s all it is with me, don’t know about others) can I suggest that you simply stay logged in as it only seems to be the initial opening sequence that’s the problem. Another alternative would be to log on and then go for your morning crap. Should be fine by the time you get back in front of the screen.
Most would have patience if it had only just started happening , but it hasn’t ! It’s been going on for over a month and not for the 1st time but the 3rd time in the last 2 years :unamused: ,
That’s my 10p worth
I’ll leave you lot to your crash twin split gearboxes , and rose tinted specs , supping warm beer and single malts , in Gods waiting room while I go out and pay my tax to pay your pension :wink: :laughing: :laughing:
That’s the solution right there. If the site irks you so much then don’t log on, pretend it closed down if you wish but don’t put yourself through the misery. For those of us who want to continue putting up with it then I’m sure that’s a cross we are prepared to bear.

Well said Blue Estate , that’s the kind of attitude that made Britain great . You get yourself out there and pay your taxes my mate ,… as contrary to popular belief , pensions don’t just grow on bleedin’ trees . And since you mentioned one of my favorite tipples , warm beer , It set me thinking , … I may just dust off the old penny farthing and cycle down to the local Wetherspoons for a couple of ambient ones as I believe Thursday is discount day for crumblies .
Cheers mate , and Santé . :smiley: :smiley:

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Dennis Javelin:

Eddie Heaton:
Although I can empathise with Buzzer’s frustration , I wouldn’t go so far as saying that the site is dead to be fair .
With a fair wind at my back , I can just about manage to operate my mobile phone and my iPad , to a level equivalent to that of a six year old it must be said , so I have no idea what’s gone wrong here , but at least I’ve managed to post this comment , or at least I think I have … time will tell at any rate .

The thing is , or it is to my mind , that with the advent of this new fangled technology we all appear to to have become accustomed to expecting an instantaneous response to every manderous thing . ( that word manderous doesn’t look right somehow .)

Take Amazon Prime for one example , pay 80 odd quid a year for next day delivery or pay zb -all and wait a fortnight for postman Pat to rock up with your gear , like wot I do .
I do realise that many of the members on here , myself included , have been occupying a seat in God’s waiting room for quite some time ,and may be in a bit of a rush , but an incident that occurred recently brought me back to reality when I rang my mate on a 20 quid phone purchased from Tesco years ago .

I chatted with him for half an hour , clear as a bell , at the astronomic cost of 30p before I realised he was on holiday with his family in the Chezk Republic . ( is that really how they spell Chezk ? ) , It doesn’t look right to me , but I’m having to trust this bloody iPad ….Chzek….is that any better ? … B***ocks to it anyway , you all know where I’m on about .

The point I’m trying to make here is that we’ve come a long way in the last 30 years or so . Possibly too far in too short a space of time if truth be known .
So I would advise patience … patience Grasshopper … all will be well in the end .
Of this I remain firmly convinced .

That’s it in a nutshell, everyone demands instant response to their actions. For those who can’t wait those extra few seconds (and that’s all it is with me, don’t know about others) can I suggest that you simply stay logged in as it only seems to be the initial opening sequence that’s the problem. Another alternative would be to log on and then go for your morning crap. Should be fine by the time you get back in front of the screen.

What I would like to know is how Dennis Javelin knows how long it takes for my morning crap?
