Tnet members sight seeing tour

well last night i was in Kitkat land (didnt see any socks though)

tonight im in RobK country (havent seen god yet which is disappointing seeing as this is meant to be his country)

who knows where i,ll be tommorow … :smiley:

Who knows? you might end up on the pimple on the arse of the world a.k.a. Tesco Daventry :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I can guarantee you though if you come to manchester it will be [zb]ing it down :laughing: :laughing:


Boots O’Lead:
Who knows? you might end up on the pimple on the arse of the world a.k.a. Tesco Daventry :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



Boots O’Lead:
Who knows? you might end up on the pimple on the arse of the world a.k.a. Tesco Daventry :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


My dad lives in Daventry. Used to drive the bin lorries for the council there. It is a very quiet place.

Dapper Scavenger:

Boots O’Lead:
Who knows? you might end up on the pimple on the arse of the world a.k.a. Tesco Daventry :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


My dad lives in Daventry. Used to drive the bin lorries for the council there. It is a very quiet place.

yes i can agree i go to a printers in south mach and its very quiet.

well last night i was in Kitkat land

I didn’t grant you permission to enter Scotland. :laughing: :laughing: Where was you :question: