TM CPC 5th December

Good luck to anybody doing thier exam(s) tomorrow!

I’m doing mine at Bradford, feeling a little nervous but fairly well prepared.

Any feedback from Friday’s Manager CPC exams…How were they?? Apparently the afternoon Case Study was rather tricky??

Did people manage in the time allowed - specifically in the afternoon exam??

I’d be interested to kno what other guys made of case study- how many vehicles did you opt to apply for- what licence you chose etc etc

Yes I thought it was rather tricky! I answered 2 vehicles on an international licence, just hope I was right!
The question that caught me out was the one where it asked for a break down of everything for the whole week after the normal schedule question.
Time was tight, but do-able, not like the first exam where there was far too much time. I cant help but think though if I have passed I will have just scraped through, fingers crossed eh.

I also chose two vehicles on an international, I chose not to authorise all the dual purpose vehicles or permanently constructed generators.
That second question was a tough one to answer, I spent far too long on it.
Positive I bagged the multi choice with ease in the morn.
Not so sure on the case study, will av got the first question schedule correct and remembered to use local time.
Finance was simple enough so there’s 20 marks, nearly gave an answer for every question though so it’s possible I’ve got it having only decided to do it a few weeks before, I think I had 10 hours looking through a home study pack and only took it so soon with wanting to know what it felt like, I fully expected it to be too much too soon but as the day got closer I naturally wanted to fluke it first time, but Im sure I’ll bag it in march

I think the general consensus is that the multi choose has plenty of time and the case study is tight. I know when I did mine earlier this year I would say at least 50-75% of people were finished half way through on the multi choose but on the case study I didn’t see anybody finish much more than 10-15 mins from end and that was the first exam with the 15min extension included

I got the results of the multi choice exam about 10 days ago, I passed that one and now I have had confirmation that I have passed the case study exam today, woohoo! I honestly thought I would be doing a resit in March :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Well done ash, what you gonna do with it, for work? For your own truck or jus cus u cud :slight_smile:

Well done ash, what you gonna do with it, for work? For your own truck or jus cus u cud :slight_smile:

Thanks Matt! I did at first just because I could but now I think I would like to do it as an external manager, I work in a transport office at the moment and have done for quite some time so feel ready for the next step.

Make sure you tell the gaffer, a commercially aware employee has gotta be worth a little something extra :slight_smile: