Tired all the time on day`s off

No energy,used to swim and bike a lot,but now only want to sleep all day and tired all the time,any suggestions to what this is.
Energy drinks and coffee have no effect,can have 2 Red Bulls,3 to 4 coffees,no stimulation like it used to.
Blood sugars were ok at last testing.
Mid afternoon,i tend to make blunders and more mistakes on simple tasks.

Whats going on here?
You have some symptoms and instead of seeking qualified medical advice you post it on a truckers website!
It appears you have gout,sleep apnoea,diabetes and need a dog to walk.

agree with previous posts re sleep apnoea

I went to see the doc a couple of years ago with the same problem.
Diagnosed as suffering from mild sleep apnoea.
Saw specialist who simply advised better diet and advised that in my situation no need to advise DVLA.
now, I know that someone is going to post that you MUST inform DVLA, so I am only repeating what the specialist (who is in expert in this condition) told me.

Not now they wont! lol

I blame the energy drinks and pro plus, you are an addict :wink:

Not now they wont! lol

I had my doubts about it being legal etc, but the doc was sure that there was no need IN MY CIRCUMSTANCES.
I imagine it must depend on the severity of a persons condition, but to be honest I doubt that anyone would declare unless they had to… not certain what the penalties would be if found out.
If it’s any consolation to Toby , it does get better with some fairly minor alteration to diet.
In my case cutting down on Tetleys!

Just over a year ago a friend of ours was struggling to stay awake even when driving. Sleep apnoea was suspected and tests carried out which were inconclusive. About 4 months ago he was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Doctors think his earlier symptoms might have been the lung cancer. Ask your doc to bear it in mind.

Lightweight! I’ve got diabetes,ulcerative colitis & ms,just crack on driver.

good diet, and lots of ■■■.
just tell her, it’s doctors orders. 4 times a day before meals.
diabetes my arse. that’s just an excuse for not doing enough shagging.
blame the missus.