TIR and load securing

when running under TIR regs, you’ll probably get your t-forms done in dover, your trailer will be sealed and have a TIR cord through all the buckles.
so how do the germans check if the load is secured correctly?
as far as i know, they can’t open it up. or am i wrong?

Only if zoll are present to do paperwork.
Or if police suspect something they can break seal and take you to zoll after.
Most trucks these days would not be travelling under tir regs.

when running under TIR regs, you’ll probably get your t-forms done in dover, your trailer will be sealed and have a TIR cord through all the buckles.
so how do the germans check if the load is secured correctly?
as far as i know, they can’t open it up. or am i wrong?


If it bothers them that much they will probably x-ray the truck, but running on TIR and crossing several borders, ropey roads and not being able to check the secure nature would be rather silly and I would use every strap I owned and more

when running under TIR regs, you’ll probably get your t-forms done in dover, your trailer will be sealed and have a TIR cord through all the buckles.
so how do the germans check if the load is secured correctly?
as far as i know, they can’t open it up. or am i wrong?

The only T-Form used when running under TIR regs was for the diesel in the belly tank, so yeah, you’re wrong :open_mouth:

Also TIR doesn’t give you immunity from anything other than crossing borders without paying duty. If Customs, Police or whoever had suspicions that something untoward is in the sealed trailer then it can be opened up, if all is well it would be resealed, the new seal marked on the remaining pages of the carnet and stamped by the agency resealing it :wink:

when running under TIR regs, you’ll probably get your t-forms done in dover, your trailer will be sealed and have a TIR cord through all the buckles.
so how do the germans check if the load is secured correctly?
as far as i know, they can’t open it up. or am i wrong?

it takes about two minutes to do the paperwork by the zoll when necessary and they have special days for checking only the custom sealed loads in münster