Tipping trailor

Has any body tipped over a trailor,when screening it a round.nearly happen to me,pulled in a yard the fellow said spin it round,got so far trailor started to lean badly, there all shouting so I stopped .we looked in the thing all the weight was at the front and stacked

Once you get to 90° then it’s sat on a side to side pivot, the pin is not over the pivot, it’s offset, plus any acceleration or deceleration will make it want to tip, you need weight over your trailer axles to give you stability in that situation, without any you’re basically just balancing stuff on a seesaw

Twenty foot skellies with twenty ton containers…

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We screw round a lot, turning circles in tight supermarket yards, single and double deck trailers. Way I do it is lift or if too heavy take the weight off the tag/midlift, put it in manual mode and crawler low gear. Keep it slow and smooth and try not to stop/start. This stops the wobble and potential tip over.

If your getting…

To the point of possibly tipping it over then, you’d have been better off reversing or shunting it from the start. I can count on one hand (all six fingers) the number of times I’ve had to spin it so tight.

Once saw a tyre torn right off it’s rim on an old spread axle trailer because the driver had spun it.