Been driving an artic on bulk rubbish with an ejector trailer for six years and done tippers roll on etc work since passing my test in 2001.And have noticed some not all drivers on other work seem to look down on us.
I know its a dirty job and we dont realy get the airbrushed spotlghted all singing dancing big engined trucks but we all have to earn a crust and someone has to do the job and as its genrally day time work and no nights away it suits if you have a family
yes your right kr79 not all but some drivers on other work class us as scum of the earth,but i supoose they have the easy jobs just reversing onto bays they would’nt have a clue if they were sent onto a land fill site or into a quarry to tip or load,ive seen lads come of containers & general onto tippers & they don’t last 2 minutes but i suppose every one to their own.
In my time on class 1 tippers I can say without doubt it is indeed very demanding work, working to the weight limit, in filthy conditions, reversing in tight situations with little traction, anyone that does this sort of work is no shirker. And as for spending 6 years on tippers, I take my hat off to you KR79. Tends to sort the men from the boys and drivers from screwdrivers.
Tippers is about the only driving work I would actually come back to. I absolutly loved it (until I was laid off last year)
I was still a relatively newbie (about a year on tippers) and a lot more very experienced lads were laid off. I had no chance.
i had a big engined truck when i was on the hooklifts, 410 hp on a rigid
used to pass most other trucks when empty yet still weighing in about 15 ton.
Kr79 if anyone looks down their nose at you because of the type of work you do then I’d suggest they’re the one with a problem, not you.
not many on here would have the bottle to go of road witth 44t of truck and waste never mind attempt some of the inclines on land fill not to mention the terrain you have to drive on/through
i think landfills and tipper work is the most enjoyable the problem i find is that most off it is low paid well the one i worked for was it i’d been on more pay i’d still be there. It’s normally the lazy ones that look down there nose scared they might have to do it one day.
I know its not quite in the same league but as the guy from ice road truckers said tarmacs for ■■■■■■■
ive never done it and would never fancy doing it ( it looks to dirty sorry )
but i dont look down on anybody, each to their own as long as your earning a crust and are happy then good for you.
i think landfills and tipper work is the most enjoyable the problem i find is that most off it is low paid well the one i worked for was it i’d been on more pay i’d still be there. It’s normally the lazy ones that look down there nose scared they might have to do it one day.
not all tipper jobs are low paid the last firm i worked for (self employed) i was earning about £650-£700 + £80 nites out + parking paid with meal voucher,which in my opinion aint bad money & i was home every weekend.& REPTON will back me on this one has he as done plenty off day work for the same firm.
Done my time on class 2 hookloaders and tippers. Didn’t like it, dirty job, and you came home a state every night…
Then again… home every night… hrm…
They’re good guys, I may be on long haul euro work, but I only look down on the zbs who can’t drive…
I’m on great money for driving a front end loader…currently on target for earning £32k this year at least. Home every night every 2nd weekend off at least. Everything operated by Joystick in the cab so theres nothing dirty about the job and when i’m finished my round i go and help out the Skips and hooks if theres a spare motor. Each to there own!!
I always used to say that I would never do tipper work…
Unfortunately made redundant in 2001, and was offered a job with my current employer but was told I would be on bulk tippers occasionaly as well as usual curtainsiders.
As we all know any job is better than none so I said “Yes providing I got trained”
almost 8 years later and i now hate doing curtainsider work.
Yes it can be hard work and dirty but very satisfiying