Tipper driving

Does anyone know of a company by the name of Pattersons, based in Barnsley I think?

They are advertising for (Experienced) tipper drivers, I know I’m not experienced in this type of work, but hey one must start somewhere!

I might chance my arm and see where it gets me :smiley:

If anyone knows of them I’d be grateful for any info.


Go for it, explain that you were PCV before and having done tons of driving big vehicles. The tipping aspect isn’t rocket science and could easily be taught.

It is likely to be full on work, they are paid per load and that’s why they are often driven hard.

But it often pays well. Due to my current situation I might be tempted to see if anyone is looking for someone short term.

Thanks for the info 8wheels, I might give them a bell tomorrow and see what they say.

Good luck in your search for a job.

paul mate, ive come off the artics to go back on 8 wheeler tippers, its not everyones cup of tea,but basically i know what hours im doing tomorrow (always half 6 to 4pm) i know im only goin local and im home every night, and more importantly i know the money each week is more than that i was earning on the class 1’s for the hours i do,take home 430 a week if i do monday to friday and 5 hours on a saturday, there can be abit of racing around and chasing you tale but for me it makes the day go quicker.
if theres anything you want to know then just ask mate and ill see what i can do,but id say go for definetly, and also ive found that tipper companys local to me (midlands) are more than wlling to give blokes a chance :smiley:

It must be a job full of people who can’t read maps though. The company map reader leads and they all chase along behind. :laughing:

If you ever need to find a tea hut, burger van or cafe just look for two or three tippers find one and you’ll find the other.

hence the tipper :smiley:
hes not a bad bloke runs new renaults and used to pay 350 cash every saturday for 5 and sat morn,but i think thats changed now
he expects a lot but isnt an ■■■■■■■■ about it when things go wrong give it a try you might like it
pm your number if you want to know more

Thanks for the replies guys.

Apparently I may have just missed out at Pattersons, he was interviewing when i rang him :unamused: typical!

Not to worry though cos a few weeks ago (before i’d even passed my class C) I completed an application form for Hargreaves, they have phoned me and invited me to a driving assessment on the 4/11. So fingers crossed :slight_smile:

mezzzz1211 Thanks for the offer of help, if i need any more info I’ll PM you my number, cheers.

dont mention hargreaves to me one of their polish drivers tried going round the back of my trailer which was 3 weeks old & swisted the back door,so much for polish drivers.

I tried tippers for a few weeks but went back to mixer driving, I found it to be a bit more varied not to mention a little more challenging :slight_smile:

Try the readymix concrete firms in your area.

Managed to get a driving assessment at Hargreaves this Saturday at Monckton coking plant at 11am.

Wish me luck! :slight_smile:

Good luck paul261267 :smiley:

good luck mate…give it your best shot

Good luck Paul. :smiley:

I got the job!

Start Monday morning at 08.15 for an induction, then I’m told I’ll be off to Darrington quarry.

I’ll give it my best shot, see how it goes. I’m just grateful for getting offered a job so soon after getting my class 2. Light at the end of the tunnel for all newbies :smiley:

Next job is to buy a car just to use for work, I aint using my prized beemer 740 as I’m told its filthy work :wink:

Good news, hope it works out for you.

Well done, good luck with it, keep us posted. :smiley:

Start Monday morning at 08.15 for an induction

Right then son, forget indicators, mirrors and lane discipline. In fact just pretend there’s no one else on the road except for the other 3 that you’ll being following.

Induction over.

Any one have a number for Pattersons in Barnsley ?


Start Monday morning at 08.15 for an induction

Right then son, forget indicators, mirrors and lane discipline. In fact just pretend there’s no one else on the road except for the other 3 that you’ll being following.

Induction over.



Start Monday morning at 08.15 for an induction

Right then son, forget indicators, mirrors and lane discipline. In fact just pretend there’s no one else on the road except for the other 3 that you’ll being following.

Induction over.

also ignore all speed limits, they dont apply to tippers :sunglasses: