Time to Tackle Ton-Up Truckers

Have a look in the news forum and see what you think.

Trucks in excess of 100mph… Really?

Not in my experience although as ever I’m prepared to be corrected.

Ton Up Truckers
For a minute then I thought it was about doo-gooders trying to ban pies & chips and breakfasts!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Phew, what a relief!


Have a look in the news forum and see what you think.

Trucks in excess of 100mph… Really?

I thought it was a “good” story when I posted it :unamused: - they must be mistaking white vans for trucks or perhaps just away with the fairies :wink:

Well I, as most regulars will know, drive a 7.5 tonner and I couldn’t get it to go anywhere near 100 mph, I know it will do around 75 ish but I have never seen a truck doing the ton, not even an Irish truck.

I think the Police should be seriously concerned about what the people who have reported this are drinking or smoking.

i`d like to see a truck doing 106 mph! :unamused:

I drive a Renault Premium…enough said. :laughing:


POST 100…yippppeeee.

i had a 420 premium… i dont think i had 106kmh out of it never mind mph :laughing: :blush: :blush:

could have been a few of reids volvos maybe :laughing:

It`s just complete nonsense.

Even without a limiter, an artic is only geared to do 70-75mph, absolute maximum. If she can show me an artic which will do 100mph, I will give her my house.

She has made it all up, and now she has been caught out, so she should now do what that Sky reporter did in identical circumstances.


The problem is that news reports like this are believed by 99% of the general car driving public and only adds to the anti truck brigades case. The Camera partnership who released the figures should be asked to release the evidence of which trucks reached or exceeded 100mph.

The Camera partnership who released the figures should be asked to release the evidence of which trucks reached or exceeded 100mph.

I believe that the only trucks which were photographed exceeding 100mph were operated by Flying Pig Transport.


even in CONVOY they only managed to crash the gate doing 98.
then again they was only on a single carriageway :wink:

I had a White Road Commander 2 back in middle 80’s 400 caterpiller engine
it would do 90 mph the only problem was you coudnt stop it!!!
crap brakes Jake brake was supurb though
A beast of a machine

It`s just complete nonsense.

Even without a limiter, an artic is only geared to do 70-75mph, absolute maximum. If she can show me an artic which will do 100mph, I will give her my house.

Hey Vince,

If I show you an artic that will do 100mph can I have your house? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


. The Camera partnership who released the figures should be asked to release the evidence of which trucks reached or exceeded 100mph.


quote from the press release

Kingstown Road, Carlisle (30mph limit) highest recorded HGV speed 51mph
Scotland Road, Carlisle (30mph limit) highest recorded HGV speed 45mph
A66 Troutbeck (60mph limit) highest recorded LGV speed 87mph
A6 Shap (60mph limit) highest recorded LGV speed 100mph
Scotland Road, Penrith (30mph limit) highest recorded HGV speed 44mph
A590, Levens (70mph limit) highest recorded LGV speed 106
A590, Millside, (40mph limit for HGVs) highest recorded HGV speed 65mph
A591 Ings, (40mph limit) highest recorded HGV speed 58mph, LGV 74mph
Abbey Road, Barrow (30mpg limit) highest recorded HGV speed 46mph, 47mph LGVs

end of quote

reading further gives proof that they are actually talking about vans!


CSC PR Manager Kevin Tea said “The appallingly high speeds recorded at some TDU sites shows we are faced not with a White Van Man mentality but Fright Van Man, and the rise in LGV collisions is a worrying trend that we must reverse.”
end of quote

One point which made me query the article was the speed limits of the roads. If they are talking about lorries speeding why are the road speed limits listed ones for small vehicles. For example I do not know the A590 road but even if it is dual carriageway we would be restricted to 50 mph so why quote 70 mph■■? Surely theres a lot of mixing and matching going on here in this article methinks

I think that when it refers to LGVs, it is referring to “Light Goods Vehicles”- ie Ford Transits and the like, and not “Large Goods Vehicles”.
I have seen this term cause similar confusion in the past.


Its ERF NOT RAF Your honour… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

American trucks are said to have very tall gearing. Perhaps they can achieve 100 mph.

Looking at the list of offences above they seem to be making a distinction between HGV & LGV so it could be “Light” and not “Large”

I’ve posted the question on their forum so lets see.