Time on a loading bay,,,

Im just wondering, how long have people been left on loading bays■■?,
The place i went to today, i got on the bay at 07.00, and pulled off at 15.45, all because they said the load should be on pallets, and not slips, so they had to strip the load down in the back,but it took them untill 12.15 to start doing it, after they had finnished pulling there face and moaning,and getting the union rep to have a look, :imp: :imp: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

longest i’ve spent on one is 4 hours nisa at scunny all because they broke the side off a pallet and blamed the loaders in the yard 4 hour dispute between who dun what and what was going to happen ended with me takin it back to the yard. How come goods in staff always screw their faces up and say i’m not doing it? :confused:

onto bay ay 0800 off at 1700 ebuyer at sheffield one guy unloading three checking one and only time i went there !

longest i’ve spent on one is 4 hours nisa at scunny all because they broke the side off a pallet and blamed the loaders in the yard 4 hour dispute between who dun what and what was going to happen ended with me takin it back to the yard. How come goods in staff always screw their faces up and say i’m not doing it? :confused:

Because they can,lol :confused: :confused: :confused:

My longest tip was 11 hours and 10 minutes @ Matalan Skelmersdale, the record on our firm is 23 hours Marks and Spencer… :angry: :angry:

I see some very large demurrage bills here :smiley:

quite a few years ago now, argos bridgewater on the bay at 1400, off at 1530 the following day.
thats only the trailer though, the unit spent the night with me at grahams

My longest tip was 11 hours and 10 minutes @ Matalan Skelmersdale,

I have been there with a fully loaded curtain sider and been gone in 25 mins :stuck_out_tongue: it was all pallets granted but even still they didnt hang about and were good lads to had a good chat through the curtain as they tipped it :smiley:
My longest was clipper at milton keynes 8am to 6pm before and only reason was ‘we’re busy’ even though they’re the idiots that book the times with us :smiley: we do adams in nuneaton now to(very tight yard for anyone who knows it) and its between 4 and 8 hours to tip a full artic of boxes hand ball its ridiculous really there is only so much lying about one can do before one gets fed up :slight_smile:

And these pricks wonder why they’re losing jobs. :imp:

Safeway cribbs causeway.
1st day on site for a 7am tip container full of wine from spain, booked in at the chill end as the load was going in to the bond at the back of the chill area so rather than pull it all through the w/house they were tipping on bay 18.
12 noon nothing happening so canteen and a sleep.
3pm nothing so canteen and a sleep
6pm nothing so it was tea time and a chat wth the duty manager and a sleep half 8 pulled off into Mc Don next door trailers in the same spot all that day mrs picked me up and took me home. day 2 one of the lads is delivering to ah ha Safeway so I catch a lift with him. pulls in hoping to find and mt container… no luck rings my tm told stick with it as there aint much about and your getting paid more sitting there than running up the road.
By 3pm they realise they have 4 containers on the park and none have been tipped. someone forgot to pass the paperwork from the chill to the ambient w/house and by now they cant get agency in to unload it as its all handball…
that nice lady in a car comes and picks me up from Mc D’s again.
Day 3 I’m mt and on the road by 3pm back to the yard and home for the night. best thing was i had bonus that week and night out money lol and lots of sleep :grimacing:

With a road barrel the longest was 5days,(1987)down in Italy
by Ceserta, , and in total we had between 9-12wagons
here, waiting to unload,and yes , the firm gets payed
Demmurrage after the fourth hour, and , this is still
a part of our firms contract with ALL customers, even now
in 2009,

The worst one I had was this past winter, at SAI Logistics, Milton Keynes, tipping a 40ft container. We’d had a fair bit of snow and only one bloke made it in, he had to handball the load off of mine and my mates, stack the pallets, wrap them and put them away with the forklift. Seeing as it was bonded we couldn’t go and help, even though we offered, we got on the bays at 0600 and finally got off at 1500, that was after a 3rd 40ft container had pulled in at 0900 and they had decided to close the place for the day. I dread to think how long the guy from Port Xpress was in there for, because he as really having a bad day after almost wiping out my cab as he reversed onto his bay, he just slewed sideways on the ice.

Unloading at Jolleys,Iron Gates Arches, Peckham, arrived at 7am and left at 6.30pm the only word I would use starts with a t and ends with a s and has wat in the middle, never again for me. Another long one was BICC in Precsot, 22 ton of cast on various pallets and one of the parts had the wrong order number, kept me there 7 hours, see above for my description of them. :angry:

I know it doesnt count as a loading bay, but we had 3 18 tonners of glass for the second JCB building just off the A50.

The customer was supposed to arrange the handling equipment. We all turn up and are shown where to park that will be out of the way.

That was at around 8am. At 12pm, we found someone who was with the glazing contractors to be told the fork lift had been held up because of an accident on the A50 at Stoke. Fair enough, at 3pm we were told the lift wasnt coming and the boss pulled us back to Scunny.

Day 2, we all arrived again, at 8am and were assured we would be tipped and away by lunchtime as 2 of us had full loads for Cardiff that were now a day late and the other driver had a wagon full for London. Ha Ha, at 2pm we were all told to save fuel and go park up for the night. :open_mouth: Christ we were only 2 hours from base and all had 7 hours driving time left, but hey ho, Salt Box here we come.

Day 3. We meandered back to JCB for about 8.30 and expected yet again to be fobbed off.

We nearly threw a party when the hire company arrived with a FLT for us. Then came the blow, they hadnt got anyone with the relevant licence as they were expecting a Telehandler and got an All terrain instead so we had to wait 3 more hours for an agency guy to come from Stoke to drive the ■■■■ thing and start tipping us.

Now bear in mind, there were around 10 - 15 telehandlers on site, none of the subbies would allow the use of them. :imp:

Total drop time for that one: Day 1 - 0800 to Day 3 - 2.30 PM (I was last one out)

Grand Total - 54.5 hours from first arrival to all of us off site empty. :laughing:

we do adams in nuneaton now to(very tight yard for anyone who knows it) and its between 4 and 8 hours to tip a full artic of boxes hand ball its ridiculous really there is only so much lying about one can do before one gets fed up :slight_smile:

Did a shift at adams on agency. Trunking stuff from Adams, up to Boots at nottingham. When i got back had to put the artic onto the bay right in the corner with the diesel tank infront of it, making it even more of a pain to get in. Add ontop the fact it had snowed while i was out on my run, made for a fun bit of shunting about lol.

Not “on a bay” as such, but I have regularly had to wait 3-4 days to clear Customs on arrival in Russia and Ukraine etc. I have known other drivers to have waited weeks. I wasn’t bothered, I used to go sightseeing.

Although I don’t do much back door tipping, it is normally only an hour or so nowadays. Most RDCs have got their act together now- I haven’t been at Tesco at Thurrock for more than an hour since Lord knows when.

When I was doing Sushi to Morrisons at Aylesford, the Goods In staff used to come running out to point out the bay they wanted me on and then instantly they would put four warehouse staff onto tipping me, they used to queue up on their pallet trollies to get into the trailer and I was empty in around five minutes. Every other truck in the whole RDC was waiting for me to arrive. This is because Sushi is so temperature-sensitive that it couldn’t leave the manufacturer until it was all exactly the right temperature to fractions of a degree.

arrive at Wincaton … Cannock… 09.45… depart Wincaton … Cannock 18.35…

Pot Noodle anyone …■■

Do you get waiting time after a certain period

Although I don’t do much back door tipping,

Could be worse,could do back door loading (oo err) :confused:

Yes done it both ways TESCO BOLTON 8 pallets 20 mins

School in SOUTHEND arrive 7.30 leave 18.30 :smiley: smiles yes ! it was one of the best weather days of last summer.