Time is running out!

I’m in I’m in…deposit paid…everything that can be crossed is lol…

And the winner is …



And all the other entrants have secured the current deal and can take their training at any point during 2016.

Happy Christmas All.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Wahooooooo thank you very much Peter…

Brilliant news so can’t concentrate at work now the party of 50 I have for lunch still want feeding…

Wahooooooo thank you very much Peter…

Brilliant news so can’t concentrate at work now the party of 50 I have for lunch still want feeding…

CONGRATULATIONS FELLA, cracking prize an win that :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Now I think its only fair all us others who entered get a consolidation prize…

Guaranteed PASSES 1st time, come on Pete there plenty of chips in it… :wink: :laughing: :grimacing:

Cheers fella Ye can’t wait to start…

Nice little Xmas present that!
Nice one Peter