
evening wagoneers.

I’ve been thinking.

The best thing about my job is the scenery, the views i get on a daily basis are just breath taking.
today for example, i watched a red kite swoop down and kill a rabbit. most days i get to cruise along the rugged north wales coast, or wind my way through the valleys. I LOVE IT.

obviously, i’m just not going to get quite as many encounters with nature or smell the fresh sea air mix with the pine forests if i’m on the m6.


if i was to drive a wagon pulling logs, i’d get to do this all the time,


are logging jobs hard to come by and require loads of experience like say tankers?
or will i find one more easily?

also is the work pretty regular, or can it be more temporary.

what is the pay like?

cheers for any advice.

Thinking of branching out then?

I’ll get my coat… :grimacing:

evening wagoneers.

I’ve been thinking.

The best thing about my job is the scenery, the views i get on a daily basis are just breath taking.
today for example, i watched a red kite swoop down and kill a rabbit. most days i get to cruise along the rugged north wales coast, or wind my way through the valleys. I LOVE IT.

obviously, i’m just not going to get quite as many encounters with nature or smell the fresh sea air mix with the pine forests if i’m on the m6.


if i was to drive a wagon pulling logs, i’d get to do this all the time,


are logging jobs hard to come by and require loads of experience like say tankers?
or will i find one more easily?

also is the work pretty regular, or can it be more temporary.

what is the pay like?

cheers for any advice.

Ring round the logging companies and ask. :wink: :wink: Most haulage don’t mind folk ringing and asking information, shows you’re keen. Never know your luck in a raffle :smiley: :smiley:


Jonny :sunglasses:

44 Tonne Ton:
Thinking of branching out then?

Ahh, so that’s what trunking is. :wink:

Take it or leaf it. :laughing:

44 Tonne Ton:
I’ll get my coat… :grimacing:

I’ve booked the taxi. :smiley: