
Last week i parked by asda tilbury and woke the next day to find a parking ticket :imp: :imp: :imp: It seems the local council have made it an urban clearway and hand out tickets at 0340 :imp: but they still allow the snack van to trade and lorries park during the day with no tickets handed out,so just bea this in mind when you decide to park there.
I am going to try to appeal the fine but not sure how to word the letter :blush:

I’ve had a ticket there, but it was for parking on the kerb.

Were you on the kerb?

i see there doing this on the road behind circus tavern at purfleet so beware

having a larf or wot

Aye a few of ours have been ticketed around that area,we’ve now got a notice from Thurrock parking & a folder full of photo’s showing the tiny signs you pass coming off the A13 that say no parking over 7.5 tonnes 9pm to midnight & midnight to 7am,if you don’t pass the sign saying you’re leaving the banned area then you’re liable for a ticket,apparently, no matter where you’re parked unless it’s on private property! Must admit I’ve seen a couple of the restriction signs but none of the restriction ends ones.

I did post about this the other week. I appealed, weren’t worth the stamp. They aren’t interested.

We had one
They got the reg number wrong.
Ignored it never heard another word!!

Last week i parked by asda tilbury and woke the next day to find a parking ticket :imp: :imp: :imp: It seems the local council have made it an urban clearway and hand out tickets at 0340 :imp: but they still allow the snack van to trade and lorries park during the day with no tickets handed out,so just bea this in mind when you decide to park there.
I am going to try to appeal the fine but not sure how to word the letter :blush:

if its signed and you dont take no notice you are going to get a ticket i say hard â– â– â– â–  pal