Thumbs up Clacket Lane Westbound

New noodle vending cart.Chicken terriyaki with noodles for about a fiver.Worth a look.Also have Thai curries.Raw fish.Seaweed salad.It makes a healthy change.
Look for Chozen noodle.

Isnt it about 25quid to park there the night? :open_mouth:

They better be some super noodles.

It is £30 to park up.For that you get a meal voucher for £11.And can have two main meals.

And fat truckers :sunglasses: who won’t touch rabbit food for one, and two WONT PAY £30 TO PARK UP EITHER! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Yeah, I seen that last time I was in there. Looked good, couple of young girls on there I think.

Always cracks me up when you see whole coach loads of little japanese herding together in to a services. Bet they think its weird here as we would over there, I’d love to go one day.

thumbs down for showers though on 19/07/13

Raw fish.Seaweed salad.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: Toby mate, you need help! :laughing:

They assured me the fish was caught fresh from the River Thames that morning and the sea weed is from Weston Super Mare.
They have a hen house around the back so the chicken is fresh.

They assured me the fish was caught fresh from the River Thames that morning and the sea weed is from Weston Super Mare.
They have a hen house around the back so the chicken is fresh.

They actually sell fish caught from the Thames? Was it a really long and shiny brown trout?

The brown trout had bits of tissue paper on it.I assume it was for decoration or being a bit arty. :smiley:

the maoster:

They assured me the fish was caught fresh from the River Thames that morning and the sea weed is from Weston Super Mare.
They have a hen house around the back so the chicken is fresh.

They actually sell fish caught from the Thames? Was it a really long and shiny brown trout?

With Made in Wisbeach down the side

Yeah, I seen that last time I was in there. Looked good, couple of young girls on there I think.

Always cracks me up when you see whole coach loads of little japanese herding together in to a services. Bet they think its weird here as we would over there, I’d love to go one day.

Thought they were Koreans, if you’re talking about Saturday before last… Coachloads of them all at once swamping out the McD’s. (pain in the arse that McD’s seems to be the only 24 hour eatery in the place, and at other MSA’s too!) :frowning:

So £30 including a £11 meal voucher is £19 a night to park. Doesn’t leave much compensation from £25 night-out-money does it?
Then there’s that shower that doesn’t work, so you’re not getting much value for money there either…
Even if you attempt to bypass Clackett Lane outright, there’s those pain-in-the-arse roadworks and wonky hard shoulder to contend with, with all the bits of debris, and sharp pieces of metal that get in your tyres…

I drive past there as if it’s a breakdown - ie in the middle lane. :grimacing:

Why are we paying that amount to only park up for 9-11 hours? I think they need to look at the prices