Today I was joining the A42 off the M1, junction 23a,it’s a two lane exit.In lane 1was a complete knob head in a (next wagon and drag)reversing down lane 1,obviously took the wrong junction,ffs unreal. Hope he got caught on camera and loses his or her licence.
Yeah probably agency…theres a lot of agency drivers in this country!
My scary one, out of Calais turn right, heading Rouen, its dark just as I’m approaching- I think its the 1st peage stop- I’ve just overtaken a slow truck & pulled in & can see blue lights on other carriageway coming my way, I notice they are in outside lane & are flashing headlights I soon realise why, is a tool in a little car somehow has got onto my carriageway & is in our ‘fast lane’ going the wrong way! He zooms past me.
I missed a 120+mph combined speed head on by a couple of seconds, I was in a van, if I’d still been passing the truck & pretty much no doubt I’d not be here to type this.
Shook me up anyway!
Perhaps he needed the ‘Next’ Junction ?