Thought for the day

These were my thoughts sitting on the bay in Argos after already doing a 12 hour shift in the van, then covering for the company because all the others said no! .
not asking for sympathy so all keyboard warriors need not jump in, its just thoughts that I choose to share , please if you want, choose not to read :smiley:

Being self employed is frightening.
Every thing about being the only person between you and the breadline is terrifying. Sleepless nights, cold sweats, knots in your stomach when you suddenly remember a direct debits hitting the bank in the morning.

Itā€™s a ridiculous way to live and try to raise a young family.

But itā€™s such an incredible feeling being in charge of your own time.

Itā€™s liberating knowing your going to make the school play, parents evening, the doctors appointment it took weeks to arrange.
You just donā€™t realise how valuable being in charge of your own time really is until your not.

Circumstances dictate Iā€™m no longer in charge of mine and I can tell you I hate it.

I would like to think its the same for every one in this profession but I know itā€™s not.

Lots of regular day drivers will be at home right now after doing there 10 hours in their own comfy truck.

Itā€™s got another mans name down the side of it in massive letters , but they act Like its theirs. Stamping their feet and refusing to do collections , never letting other drivers drive it, refusing point blank to drive anything else. Iā€™ve seen it all.
Itā€™s why Iā€™m sitting on a bay in a stinker of a wagon after just doing 12 hours in a van and no doubt 3 more in this.

I should of learned my lesson really but like I said before. Circumstances dictated that I sold my time.
Itā€™s all I had left

You have met the bully drivers that get their own way by throwing the toys out of the pram and for peace and quiet the managers cave in and give them what they want.
They say why cant someone else do that run.
They leave notes in the cab to agency or relief drivers to keep their truck clean.
Heaven help us if they can not get back on a friday night and their wife or gf is going to kill them.
Little boys in their big toys.Lucky to have a jobā€¦

Welcome to the world ,hope you enjoy your stay :slight_smile: .

Welcome to the world ,hope you enjoy your stay :slight_smile: .

Well Ive been here for over 5 years now so I should know by now, thanks for the commentsā€¦
I have been keeping the blog for years but it never ceases to amaze me.
its just a place to let off steam really

Welcome to the world ,hope you enjoy your stay :slight_smile: .

Yes welcome to the world, why are you not attending church this morning?
with the drivers who were home on friday and enjoying the service :grimacing:


Welcome to the world ,hope you enjoy your stay :slight_smile: .

Well Ive been here for over 5 years now so I should know by now, thanks for the commentsā€¦
I have been keeping the blog for years but it never ceases to amaze me.
its just a place to let off steam really

Being self employed (30yrs or so ) i know exactly how you feel ,as i suspect every working man in the world does ā€¦we feel your pain :smiley:



Welcome to the world ,hope you enjoy your stay :slight_smile: .

Well Ive been here for over 5 years now so I should know by now, thanks for the commentsā€¦
I have been keeping the blog for years but it never ceases to amaze me.
its just a place to let off steam really

Being self employed (30yrs or so ) i know exactly how you feel ,as i suspect every working man in the world does ā€¦we feel your pain :smiley:

Being an self employed OD in the eighties was the way to go ā€¦not now, its just a hard slog to play survival, and not something to be started unless you have very very deep pockets and long arms. Now you are more like someones unloved slave willing to work for the crumbs the big boys drop. Hope your ā€œemployersā€ are reasonable and you do OK.


Welcome to the world ,hope you enjoy your stay :slight_smile: .

Well Ive been here for over 5 years now so I should know by now, thanks for the commentsā€¦
I have been keeping the blog for years but it never ceases to amaze me.
its just a place to let off steam really

Which Argos u atā– ā– ? :laughing:

I was at Barton under neewood last week when I wrote this post, Im back on the books after the company put all us subbies on 30 day Invoice and 30 day payment !!! :open_mouth: 60 days credit free labour.
guess what , they having to use agency drivers now as the subbies and ODā€™s cant afford to wait for their money, I went back on and even though its steady money, I was shocked at the first weeks basic, if it wasnā€™t for the overtime and the extra hazardous and moffet etc, i would be better off in Mac Donaldā€™s !!! and I do mean the Burger bar :smiley:

Iā€™m beginning to understand why I was getting desperate sounding texts to go and work for themā€¦