This will make you laugh.

HA HA, obviously bored waiting.

Another example of why RDC’s make you hand keys in though.

Its just a shame they can’t unload you that quickly, :laughing:

Quick tip, that !! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Darby Flyer:
HA HA, obviously bored waiting.

Another example of why RDC’s make you hand keys in though.

Its just a shame they can’t unload you that quickly, :laughing:

good job it was’nt eggs he was delivering - he’d have some eggsplaining todo.

FPMSL :laughing: :laughing:

However anyone else notice the dock leveller going down and the lad that comes in from the right, bet he didn’t turn the green light on!

Its America, they have a slightly lax attitude to health and safety in the industry.
Funny video.

Funny as it may look it’s idiots like him that mean the rest of us are treated like morons - hand in your keys and go and sit in the corner and be a good boy.

now i know why i always get the one with the wonky wheel :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: Best way to get them unloaded. You can go now drive. :laughing:

Obviously communication is poor there.

lol @ “somebody go find the new guy”

bet he didnt pull off for no reason,must have been instructed to,or light went green after back door monkeys took off restraini :unamused: ng strap!

The change from tipper driving wasn’t proving easy for Fred. :laughing:

I think that guy’s off his trolley.

im glad them on the dock were laughing as they were the ones going to pick them up :laughing: :laughing:

The driver wasn’t LIthuanian, on his way to Glasgow via Arran was He?

yhat was funny as ----- :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: