This Week.....

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

:open_mouth: :angry:


93p on red the heathen swines. Shan’t be using that for a while.

91p on bp.

Don’t know on Shell as they can’t be bothered to e-mail me the prices.


93p on red the heathen swines. Shan’t be using that for a while.

91p on bp.

Don’t know on Shell as they can’t be bothered to e-mail me the prices.

haven’t used Red for a while - I guess they noticed – 88.64 ppl next week :sunglasses:

This is what cracks me up, the price should be based purely on volume used, the more you use the cheaper it is but they insist on taking you for whatever they can get away with, robbery.

This is what cracks me up, the price should be based purely on volume used, the more you use the cheaper it is but they insist on taking you for whatever they can get away with, robbery.

exactly :imp: :imp: :imp:

red 88.44 red bp 88.88 + 90.88

smart 87.75

shell pump price using citi card 85.95

but as I dont trust any console operator on the mimimum wage I wont give them the opertunity to skim my credit card I will be using smart.

10/8/09- SMART 87.75ppl,RED 87.94ppl based about 1200l per week

ReD’s prices will vary for everyone, probably because you all have your cards from a different agent.


mines direct with Red :wink: