This made me smile

I love that, but fear some H&S nuts would frown upon it. :cry:

Austin Allegro.

Dreadful automobile.

nice one, at least someone in that company has a sense of humour.

Austin Allegro.

Dreadful automobile.

My mate use to have one in the day ,it was nicknamed allaggro,it was like driving a blancmange on marshmallow wheels the road holding was that bad :laughing:

Allagro. Haha

Check this out Seth. Allegro mean’s ’ A brisk and lively tempo '.

Have you ever seen one perform that way? More like ’ BL rusting piece of diseased ridden crappo '.

Allagro. Haha

Check this out Seth. Allegro mean’s ’ A brisk and lively tempo '.

Have you ever seen one perform that way? More like ’ BL rusting piece of diseased ridden crappo '.

I had a x reg mini metro with black plastic seats that dint recline ,it was a right caffuffle trying to shag birds in it,their arse and legs stuck the seat and i used to pip the horn and flash the lights catching the stalk :wink:

Does that mean you are a metrosexual mate?

maybe a small car to match his small … :slight_smile:

Vic Graham Potato’s in Bury have “In case of fire, chip pan in cab” on their motors :laughing:

seth 70:

Austin Allegro.

Dreadful automobile.

My mate use to have one in the day ,it was nicknamed allaggro,it was like driving a blancmange on marshmallow wheels the road holding was that bad :laughing:

My older sis (detestable moo) had a bright orange one for about 3yrs. She learned on the day she sold it that it had a fifth gear. :grimacing: