This jobs getting more stupid by the day

start work 2.00am, drive to stratford and change trailers , drive to atherstone and tip, drive back to yard.
arrive back 8.30 , told to get a cuppa and sit in canteen, told to go home 11.30 ,3 hrs
why, because you get paid 11 hrs they want to make it look like youve done a days work for the bods upstairs.
3 hrs of your life wasted sat there doing nothing, just like kindergarden.
cant think of any other job youd sit round for three hours waiting to go home :question:

Many supermarkets where clocking in and out is required are the same.

Take a book, buy a portable DVD player and some films, and take a cushion, then you can have a nice comfy time killing the clock.

what would you prefer, send you home and dock 3 hours pay ?

surely if you’re paid 11 hours you should at least be at work for those 11 - even if you’re not actually working :wink:

Ruddy brilliant isn’t it :smiley:

I know I’d much rather be driving for those 3 hours, but being paid for sitting watching a DVD or surfing the net comes in somewhere along the list!

think of it this way too - no other industry would let their employees go home on a regular basis for several hours, be it banking, medicine, sales, retail, construction etc unless something drastic happens like the method of doing business is impossible due to electrical outage etc.

So to expect to be sent home by the desk pilots who can’t benefit in the same way is pushing it a bit far.

Unless of course you can convince them that it’ll let you work more hours over the week as a whole if something goes wrong, bamboozle them with WTD pseudo-science and you may get lucky :wink:

Think it may be time you started looking for a new job, this one seems to be getting to you after reading your posts over the last few weeks. :open_mouth:
If you were still on the agency you would probably be sitting home unpaid for more than three hours a day. :frowning:
Chill out , hang about and get back into the yard on your paid hours problem sorted ! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Think it may be time you started looking for a new job, this one seems to be getting to you after reading your posts over the last few weeks. :open_mouth:
If you were still on the agency you would probably be sitting home unpaid for more than three hours a day. :frowning:
Chill out , hang about and get back into the yard on your paid hours problem sorted ! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Mr R your right …if Ady1 was at DHL recently he`d be sat 6-8hrs doing nothing 2-3 times a week before being sent home

Ady1 its safer driving a canteen chair, than out on the road atm
where else can you get paid for doing nothing??
take a chill pill, this is how it is, because if this job is getting to you already, Mr R might be right, and its not for you

It may seem daft to you Ady, but if I was the boss and paying you for 11 hours I would want you to hang around just in case something unexpected turned up. Would look pretty silly sending you home then the next moment a driver not too far away falls ill.

Denis F:
what would you prefer, send you home and dock 3 hours pay ?

surely if you’re paid 11 hours you should at least be at work for those 11 - even if you’re not actually working :wink:

see what you mean dennis :confused: , so when i do a bad run that takes 14 hrs i can tell them im comming home after 11 :wink: , or is this paying you 11 hrs only work in there favour i.e
run takes 14 hrs get paid 11
run takes 6 ,have to sit round for 5 hrs to make it up to 11 as thats what im paid.
the point is youve got off your ■■■ , got the job done [there desperate for the truck s back] , and whats the reward, find you another run, fair enough, but to just sit there when they know your not going out again seems stupid to me


see what you mean dennis :confused: , so when i do a bad run that takes 14 hrs i can tell them im comming home after 11 :wink: , or is this paying you 11 hrs only work in there favour i.e
run takes 14 hrs get paid 11
run takes 6 ,have to sit round for 5 hrs to make it up to 11 as thats what im paid.
the point is youve got off your ■■■ , got the job done [there desperate for the truck s back] , and whats the reward, find you another run, fair enough, but to just sit there when they know your not going out again seems stupid to me

If a run takes 14 hrs I’d want paying for 14 hours :wink: although it probably depends what your contract says!

Denis F:


see what you mean dennis :confused: , so when i do a bad run that takes 14 hrs i can tell them im comming home after 11 :wink: , or is this paying you 11 hrs only work in there favour i.e
run takes 14 hrs get paid 11
run takes 6 ,have to sit round for 5 hrs to make it up to 11 as thats what im paid.
the point is youve got off your ■■■ , got the job done [there desperate for the truck s back] , and whats the reward, find you another run, fair enough, but to just sit there when they know your not going out again seems stupid to me

If a run takes 14 hrs I’d want paying for 14 hours :wink: although it probably depends what your contract says!

paid 11 dennis whatever , which is what im trying to get at [ not very well], you do a 14/15 hour day and get paid 11 , then you do a 6/7/8/9 hour day and they want you to sit there to make it up to roughly 11 hr day .
to me it seems a bit one sided , but maybe thats how it works :confused:

sun 14
mon 14
tues 14
wed 14
thurs 6 [ then you sit there for 3/4/5 to make it up to the 11 you get

for sun to wed youve got paid 11 for the 14,s youve done
its a example but is possible and has happened, surely after you done 4 days of 3 hrs per day more than your paid you should be entilled to get off early on your short shift :question:

I’m paid for 48 hours a week - that’s 9hrs 36mins a night. 99.9% I finish in less than that and I go home. If I am longer then tough luck!

I would suggest to office bod that they can’t have heads they win, tails you lose.
BUT, if they really need you to stay there’s not much you can do about it, so chill.

if i was your boss and you had done the required work i would say get yourself home son no point in you hanging around see you tomorow.if they can afford to have you sitting around for three hours doing nothing you are being paid to little never mind this get a vidio or a book life is to short

I do nights. I start at 18.00 and although sometimes I finish at 5am I get paid for all the hours I do. Also, if it’s a shortish run and I get back at say midnight then I go home as I’m guaranteed 10 hours per night :smiley:

as salaried pay doesnt seem to work for you ady why not try trip money :laughing: plenty of time on a job like that to feel sorry for thyself :laughing: :laughing:


Denis F:


see what you mean dennis :confused: , so when i do a bad run that takes 14 hrs i can tell them im comming home after 11 :wink: , or is this paying you 11 hrs only work in there favour i.e
run takes 14 hrs get paid 11
run takes 6 ,have to sit round for 5 hrs to make it up to 11 as thats what im paid.
the point is youve got off your ■■■ , got the job done [there desperate for the truck s back] , and whats the reward, find you another run, fair enough, but to just sit there when they know your not going out again seems stupid to me

If a run takes 14 hrs I’d want paying for 14 hours :wink: although it probably depends what your contract says!

paid 11 dennis whatever , which is what im trying to get at [ not very well], you do a 14/15 hour day and get paid 11 , then you do a 6/7/8/9 hour day and they want you to sit there to make it up to roughly 11 hr day .
to me it seems a bit one sided , but maybe thats how it works :confused:

sun 14
mon 14
tues 14
wed 14
thurs 6 [ then you sit there for 3/4/5 to make it up to the 11 you get

for sun to wed youve got paid 11 for the 14,s youve done
its a example but is possible and has happened, surely after you done 4 days of 3 hrs per day more than your paid you should be entilled to get off early on your short shift :question:

Ady, i think the same as you. I don’t care if it costs me money, if there is work i will do it. If there is none i am not sitting in a canteen doing nowt. I would have gone home. And, seeing as you can sometimes do more hours i would of told them that they owe me them. Don’t leave, just keep a records of your hours and go home when there is no work, if they try to sack you then take them to the cleaners. You’re wasting your time with most on here though as they are lorry drivers and they actually like getting paid for sitting around doing nothing!!
Bizzare !!!
Hang on !! Had a thought! Your company is responsible for monitoring your working hours(WTD)? Ask them for your latest upto date wtd hours just to see where you stand as regards your 11 hours pay per day?

mike you drive containers what the hell do you knew about work :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
or did you have a change of employment and turn into super driver :question: work

mike you drive containers what the hell do you knew about work :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
or did you have a change of employment and turn into super driver :question: work

LOL!! Listen, its took me a long time to be able to work up to doing no work !!!
Fair enough sitting at a delivery or collection point for hours in the comfort of my oen bunk but not a chance i would wait in a canteen for hours.I posted in a diary before about waitning at Sommerfields (Wincanton) after i finished my work. They said you have to stay for 8 hours, i said do you have another job for me, they said no, i said seeya !! I’m sure you’d do the same. I’m not averse to waiting when it has to be done, i am averse to sitting like a ■■■■ because someone says i have to do it ‘just because’ !!!

I love sitting around doing nothing !!!
Especially on a Sunday on about £20 an hour !!
I had to wait four hours last Sunday for a trailer to be loaded ! How dare they keep me hanging around doing nothing, no I did manage a two course subsidised meal in the canteen.
The trouble is with a salary job is that the Blue eyed boys seem to get the cream jobs and the easy going lads get the mickey taken. More so if you don’t put your view across regularly to the traffic office.

Think it may be time you started looking for a new job, this one seems to be getting to you after reading your posts over the last few weeks. :open_mouth:

Most of Adys posts are rubbish, MrR!!! Think he just does it to get his post count up