This is yet another stealth tax. (Outrage #1)

When VAT was temporarily reduced to 15%, the Chancellor added 2% extra duty to fuel to offset the reduction in tax collected from motorists.

What a sneaky barsteward :smiling_imp:
Perhaps they think we haven’t noticed… :open_mouth:

Now that VAT has been increased to 17.5% again, this hidden tax has not been removed - hence recent rises in your fuel costs. Sign the petition at the link below to have this stealth tax removed!

Don’t worry. Hopefully we’ll only have another 2 months of these ■■■■■■■ to contend with, and half of them realise this, that’s why they’re “standing down” at the next election. More like I’ll go now with some dignity and claim I’ve done this and that before I lose my job at election time.


The reason they’re waiting till election time is to be sure they collect their pensions,well,wouldn’t you?

Don’t worry. Hopefully we’ll only have another 2 months of these [zb] to contend with, and half of them realise this, that’s why they’re “standing down” at the next election. More like I’ll go now with some dignity and claim I’ve done this and that before I lose my job at election time.


Exactly the reason my own “Labour” MP gave, he wants to spend more time with his family :open_mouth:

but are the next lot going to be any different. Come on how many times has this happened before remember every one saying the tories are running this country into the ground now its labour, grass isnt always greener. No im not a labour man not a tory nor would I say im anything else. Fact is we are at the end or coming out of a recession taxes are going to go up and up and unfortunatly its you that will be hit the working man, the man putting in diesel/petrol at the pump how else is the money going to be paid back that we bailed the banks out with yes you get it the same people who bailed out the banks will no bail out the country and the worst thing how much did royal bank of scotland pay out in bonuses. How can a company lose so much money and get rewarded for it. I ask this if you went out in a week and write off every wagon you drove and trailer and load do you think you would be going into work on monday, i think not.

So what can we ■■■■ all thats what whoever gets in what will change ■■■■ all. The thing with politicians to busy scamming expenses to take any notice of us. The war in afghan and iraq is costing a fortune and our boys are still not equiped properley can we pull out HELL NO and let them murdering mad men win, even public owned banks can still do what they like after playing a major part in putting us in this situation.

Great Britain not any more more like polish, pakistan, and every thing else. Racist no I am not have no problem with any one coming over here to work pay taxes and treat this so called CHRISTIAN country with respect could you go to pakistan and build a church you would be lucky to get the 1st row of bricks up anyway back to my point we let every body in even people that want to sit on there arse on benifits taking advantage of the nhs who pays we do but then again I know white british people who aint done a days work since they left school why dont someone in westminister toughen up they would get straight in. Here is a few points to build a policy and i bet they would get most of the working mans vote.

Limited benifits, if you can work you have a limited time to claim benifits say around six months and if you dont get the job you want in that time start staking shelves and carry on looking for the job you want.

Period of qualification for any state benefit, You have to be paying in before you can take anything out period of at least a year if you come over here to work what is the problem if you come to scrounge back on the boat.

Tougher laws on banks, strict laws on the banking system public accounts we own them we have a right to see what they are doing with our money.

There is just 3 got to go shop so havent got time to carry on would be going on all night feel free to add yours and what you think

I am proud to say what I am British and I want more from our goverment.