This is what you're up against with some cyclists

I thought racing on the public highway was illegal? Or does it not apply to cyclists?


How come the polis did not give chase? 1:26 into that video, the guy went through a red light on the wrong side of the road. If that copper didn’t brake the cyclist would have been picking his teeth up from the tarmac.

Absolute a-holes (every other cyclist I know says the same) for sure, but don’t try hold these berks up as typical cyclists, any more than that Turkish pillock off YouTube dancing around his cab is a typical truck driver :unamused:

They don’t pay ROAD TAX, FUEL DUTY, INSURANCE!!! :imp: :imp: :imp:


Faak Umm ! ! :imp: :imp:


They ARE warned with signs bolted on the rear of some trucks for when we are turning/manoeuvring (sp). (Disclaimer on HGVs’ side? ?)

They just take the pish out of ‘no win no fee’ when it does go wrong for them though…

Think I’ll invest in ‘Roadhawk’ CCTV instead of a sat nav next time, I do more local / city work now so think I’ll just buy cheaper A-Z’s.

Anyone know if you cheaper insurance if you have a ‘Roadhawk’ fitted? :question:

I lost count in the 1st 10 seconds on the amount of laws they broke.

What are all these multi-storey car park laws you speak of, Tony? :smiling_imp:

Well, if any sort of law and order exists in this world, the police should be contacting one Lucas Brunell in due course, the way they do when a biker posts a video of themselves speeding on empty roads endagering no-one except themselves.
It’s no big surprise to see these cyclists acting like total bell-ends as we see it all the time.

Someone I know got stopped going through a red light on a bicycle by the police who they hadn’t noticed. (despite the fact that there were loads of police cars and police in luminous jackets etc) No wonder they didn’t notice that the light was red. Instead of a 30 quid fine, they were offered a 2 hour safety course, which provides about 30 quid’s worth of free stuff if you attend. Wow. The wheels of justice in motion.

These [zb]'s should learn that on a bicycle, even if you are right, and even if you are wearing a helmet and a high-viz and have lights and reflectors and the serial number from your cycling proficiency certificate tatood accross your ■■■■ cheeks, you are still no match for a cement mixer. Even if they did have the right of way, that does not make it hurt any less when they end up under the wheels.

And when they cycle in the middle of the lane, the large stuff can’t get past them, and no-one can get past that. Either that, or the large stuff is me in the bus, and the cyclist is a young fit female in lycra, and I can’t overtake. For safety reasons of couse.

My issue here is the I hate cyclists attitude - a generalisation.

Do we as truckers like to have generalistations used against us? No, so why should cyclists suffer the same, do they have to suffer a third riech attitude from truckers and deserve to be mangled?

There are good and bad in every walk of life, a little understanding wouldn’t go a miss.

In all of the charity rides I organise, there are rules of responsibiliy to others around you (includes other road users) if you don’t follow them you are asked to withdraw from the event.

Please don’t take my comments as an attack on anyone in particular but please also realise it is hardly fair to tar everyone with the same brush

If you try reading my post properly, you’ll see that I said “Wouldn’t ya love to mangle a bunch of [zb] like that under a tri axle in a tight turn.” So please point out where the generalisation comes in ! and tell me what’s ‘third reich’ about getting angry with ■■■■■ like them.

Do we as truckers like to have generalistations used against us?

Um, excuse me but WTF is this if not a stereotype?

As I said generalisation is great, you are obviously a fat, vest wearing (with egg stains on the front) tacho abusing Laurie Driver :laughing:

For your information, I am 6’ tall, 205 lbs and have a 34" waist. I do eat eggs, but I eat them, not wear them, and I haven’t used a tacho in 5 years. I also cycle, but I would never treat the road the way these fools did. If you speak in defence of them then you are equally as bad. End of story.

For your information, I am 34" tall, 205 lbs and have a 6’ waist.

There you go, fixed it :wink:

They don’t call him ‘The podgy Pixie’ for nothing :laughing:

I don’t know what all the fuss is about, I’ve been through Central London quicker in an 8 wheeler tipper :sunglasses: :smiling_imp:

Thanks, Mark…

Glad I have you to sort my typos… :laughing:

You really want to drive a tipper? Hmm, can just see you in riggers and a hi viz… :laughing:

Thanks, Mark…

Glad I have you to sort my typos… :laughing:

You really want to drive a tipper? Hmm, can just see you in riggers and a hi viz… :laughing:

Anytime mate :wink:

I used to love driving an 8 wheeler, pre HiViz of course and in those days it was trainers in the summer, DM dealer boots in the winter, my size 12s and rigger boots is not a good look :blush: Besides, I thought rigger boots were for container drivers anyway :laughing:

Only became container driver wear when all the tipper drivers wanted to drive proper trucks but had to settle for containers… :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Tin hat firmly in place!! :laughing: :laughing:

i mean not to cause any arguments i no it was stupid of them and very dangerous but i found the clip entertaining probably not a good thing but still enjoyed it :smiley:

I remember driving a coach behind some fairly fit cyclists ,the females rode at the back,where its easier.The passengers enjoyed the jiggling scenery in front of them .

I don’t know what all the fuss is about, I’ve been through Central London quicker in an 8 wheeler tipper :sunglasses: :smiling_imp:

But that was before the days of the pc police.Everyone drove like that in london and the coppers just concentrated on nicking commie zb’s like that on bikes. :open_mouth: :laughing:

I recently bought a blackbox vehicle camera to flight back at cyclists I have found it to be fantastic. … cle-camera


I don’t know what all the fuss is about, I’ve been through Central London quicker in an 8 wheeler tipper :sunglasses: :smiling_imp:

But that was before the days of the pc police.Everyone drove like that in london and the coppers just concentrated on nicking commie zb’s like that on bikes. :open_mouth: :laughing:

OMG we’re agreeing again, you’re bolloxing my street cred right up :blush: :laughing:

I suggest, Mark, that you go out in Chicago and buy some new fashion items. That way, you will be more up to date than the curryfart. :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Good link mate. Couriers in London were bad a few years ago, plod ( on their bikes with blue flashing lights!) stopping them if they jumped a red light and riding on pavements. Seems to have calmed down recently, maybe winter, maybe Boris’s Cycle Super Highways. That video was mad :open_mouth: