This is very important … 700719.stm

lets get this ■■■■■■■ :imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Police said the white flat bed lorry was loaded with metal and that the attacker is believed to work in the construction or property repairs industry.

7.5 tonner :question: :question:

Scaffolding truck, possibly ?

Scaffolding truck, possibly ?

…almost definately a scaffolding truck, I’d say (out early on a Sunday morning.)

The local police might do well to check local scaffolding firms who have just erected/dismantled scaffolding on a site that could only be accessed on a relatively quiet time of the week…a busy main road or shopping precinct, for example.


Scaffolding truck, possibly ?

pikie ■■?

Could be a scrap lorry but doubt any of them are out looking for scrap at £30 a ton, surfely in this day and age of CCTV it wont be long until they find him.

Hang the basterd


Scaffolding truck, possibly ?

pikie ■■?

I would tend to go with that but early hours?
Probably just stole the motor, more chance of platting snot than getting a
conviction against them gimps.

he needs to be caught, and now, the ■■■■■■■■

it had better not be the start of another yorkshire ripper! these sick ■■■■■ should be caught and shot.

do things like this give a bit more weight to a national DNA database? i thinnk it does then the scum like this would be picked up or at least known about in teh first couple of hours of the investigation!