This is a warning of rude people on phones!

I phoned up to apply for a job at Aspray transport Ltd in thetford, I was put through to their personnel dept and she asked me (Quite rudely) if i had any 7.5 tonne experience, when i said no she said we can’t continue this application any more. i told her i had taken training to drive 18 tonne lorries in norwich (I didn’t say to her that i had passed) she then proceeded to sigh on the end of the phone and asked when i had passed, i told her i hadn’t so she sighed again and said that i had no experience so i don’t know why i had applyed in the first place, with that i put the phone down on her.
I thought that people who had to answer the phone were supposed to have better manners than that.
So this is a warning to anyone else who applies to aspray transport Limited, the personnel people have NO people skills on the phone.
Personally after speaking to that woman on the phone i wouldn’t want to work there anyway. ■■■■■!!!

Personally after speaking to that woman on the phone i wouldn’t want to work there anyway. ■■■■■!!!

I’m saddened to hear that mutha-trucker, it’s quite appalling. :smiling_imp: :frowning:

IMHO, it wouldn’t have taken her very much time/effort to have been a bit more pleasant and maybe offer you some friendly guidance.
I’m fairly sure her bosses wouldn’t like to hear of her telephone manner… :wink:

its not worth all the hassle really as i didn’t get her name, didn’t think about it at the time.
she was a rude cow!

I’m not making excuses for her attitude but was you responding to a vacancy advert and if so did it specify experience wanted ?

Anyway don’t be put off, if you want to drive for a living keep on applying and good luck.

Judging by their bloke who comes in our yard it’s because you don’t have experience of jumping loading queues or a big enough cowboy hat. I nearly asked him if he’d lost his horse. :laughing:

Anyway he got told not to jump in again…especially in front of our own lorries! :unamused:

don,t get peed off with this experience, I,ve had the same from some companies, but I sent out a load of CV,s , contacted companies through websites ect and today been offered another job with a decent company.
the company in question I have contacted about 4 times so they must have got fed up of me and got me in for an interview, in my opinion if you only contact once then your name goes to the bottom of the pile if you can contact them every couple of months or something then your name may be the first they remember, as in my own case.
good luck and keep trying

I once rang up asprays in willenhall for about a 7.5 tonne driving job that was advertised by the time they had sent me the applicatioln form the deadline for the job had passed how efficent is that :open_mouth:

I have an interview on tuesday for a sales rep for a DAF truck company selling parts.
Fingers crossed.