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Hope you feel better soon Lucy… :wink:

Chrisie… :sunglasses:

Get well soon Lucy!

Hope you will be OK for the Big Day next Saturday!!
Is it looking like you will have a sober wedding?

DITTO all the above… hope u make a speedy recovery… :wink:

:slight_smile: Get Well Soon, Lucy :wink:

all the best lucy ,sit back and put your feet up when you get back . im sure rikki don’t mind running around after yer :laughing: :wink:


Take it easy Lucy,and don’t forget,just ring that little bell if you need anything :wink:

Best wishes Lucy. Get well soonest.

Get well soon Lucy. Have you seen the cab of the Stralis? Is it shock induced :open_mouth: :wink: .

Get well soon Lucy

Get well soon Lucy.

I hope you fell a lot better,no pain,only happyness :wink:

“Hi hun-ny…I’m ho-o-me!!!” :wink: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

Thankyou all for your good wishes…it wasn’t too bad, and they left my editing fingers very much intact… :wink: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing:

I will, as Rikki said, be stuck at home for a few more weeks (My POOR beloved Stralis!!! He’ll have retrained the gearbox to change like it’s got 150t on the back…and the mess:open_mouth: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: )…but I can only cope with sitting in front of the PC for very short periods at the moment…so if you could all be darlings and highlight your dodgy language and other rule-breaking in RED for speed of editing, I’d be much obliged… :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks again guys…make the most of the temporary increase in road safety brought about by me not being on them…trust me, it won’t last!!! :blush: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ps.TC - In answer to your question, yes…but trust me, these painkillers are hefty enough that you’d never know… :wink:

Good to see you back home safe and sound, Lucy :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Make the most of it and keep Rikki running around after you

Red me,Lucy’s back.That has spoilt our Redding fun. :smiley:


Glad to see everythings ok, and that your alright, hopefully everything will be ok for Saturday when you can evntually put Rikki in his righful place (only joking you 2) :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Get well pronto Lucy,all the best,


Well, welcome back to {ZB} Lucy :smiley:

How the {ZB} are you doing?

Oh, FFSshe’s back :wink: .