This 40 mph demo

the boys that do our oban an campbeltown runs s btart at midnight an do a 12 hour shift because they have to sit at 40 but acouple of them that cover the runs when they need to can do the run quicker because they dont always sit at 40, and the ■■■■ that they sometimes feel like they could fall asleep at that time of night
but some of the boys feel it goes in quicker if they go quicker and they dont feel as tired
as for myself i do think there are pros and cons for raising the speed :unamused:


Some people are able to just swan about at 40 all day… For the rest of us we need to be cracking on, smile when you see me overtaking you :slight_smile: .

SAFETY ASIDE … Which would you put FIRST?

The LAW (40 mph)
The JOB (cracking on)

Would the answer be the same if you … ?
had no points on the licence
had 9 points on the licence

Because its you rog i only ever do 39, sometimes 40. I’d stop driving trucks if i had 9 points.


Some people are able to just swan about at 40 all day… For the rest of us we need to be cracking on:) .

If this is meant seriously, WHY?

I just cannot see why any employed driver needs to crack on, unless it’s to cover up earlier non-driving time wasting, for which he has only himself to blame.

For those on trip, salary or job and finish who might wish to argue otherwise; I suppose the answer is simple - greed.

Its not to much of a problem for me now but i use to be expected to drive flat out and if not you’d get no end of ■■■■ for it and there was a good chance you’d get sacked, obviously they cant sack you for not speeding but they’d find something.

the boys that do our oban an campbeltown runs s btart at midnight an do a 12 hour shift because they have to sit at 40 but acouple of them that cover the runs when they need to can do the run quicker because they dont always sit at 40, and the [zb] that they sometimes feel like they could fall asleep at that time of night
but some of the boys feel it goes in quicker if they go quicker and they dont feel as tired

as for myself i do think there are pros and cons for raising the speed :unamused:

No ■■■■ Sherlock.

I usually stick to 40 as I pull plant but if it’s rural narrow or bendy then it’s less depending on the machine on the bed I try to feel the movement of the load so today it was down to 10mph at one point in the snow and ice
I will try to pull over when possible to let the lemmings by including some big badged firms :unamused:

The ones that peeve me most are the ones who sit at 44,(to use up the 10% as I was told by another driver)

Not necessarily. Many autos (mine included) can’t decide between top gear and the next gear down at 40. And I drive a Volvo which likes nothing better than a low rev, but even she thinks the rpm at 40 in top are a bit too low. 44/45 makes for a much more comfortable drive.

The worst of the lot are the sub human scum who sit at 40 on the single carriageway then hit the limiter on the dual tracks…

So you get upset when they stick to the speed limit and you get upset when they break the speed limit…there’s just no pleasing some people.


The ones that peeve me most are the ones who sit at 44,(to use up the 10% as I was told by another driver)

Not necessarily. Many autos (mine included) can’t decide between top gear and the next gear down at 40. And I drive a Volvo which likes nothing better than a low rev, but even she thinks the rpm at 40 in top are a bit too low. 44/45 makes for a much more comfortable drive.

Your still gonna get caught speeding at 44 so you mite as well make it worth your while and you’ll be part of the kool club lol.

Well my head is simmering nicely. Oh dear, oh dear, so many bleats every week about lorry drivers’ wages being poor and how we are all worth so much more and want more in our pockets at the end of the week. And yet what are we doing?.. actually campaigning to be able to drive faster so that we can be paid less than we would otherwise have been for doing the same job

Of course the CBI, FTA and RHA support the idea; the bosses are laughing all the way to the bank. Their Christmas is coming; ours is in the oven. No wonder management have always said that drivers are their own worst enemy.

Well my head is simmering nicely. Oh dear, oh dear, so many bleats every week about lorry drivers’ wages being poor and how we are all worth so much more and want more in our pockets at the end of the week. And yet what are we doing?.. actually campaigning to be able to drive faster so that we can be paid less than we would otherwise have been for doing the same job

Of course the CBI, FTA and RHA support the idea; the bosses are laughing all the way to the bank. Their Christmas is coming; ours is in the oven. No wonder management have always said that drivers are their own worst enemy.

Your only seeing one side of the pay structure. You might loose out, other drivers will gain from it.


The worst of the lot are the sub human scum who sit at 40 on the single carriageway then hit the limiter on the dual tracks…

So you get upset when they stick to the speed limit and you get upset when they break the speed limit…there’s just no pleasing some people.

Don’t act thick, you know fine well what he means.

i often get passed by trucks on the A5…out of crick going past the truckstop and up the blind hill with junctions either side…flat out…if something came over the hill i dont want to think about what might happen?just to save what?? 5 minutes??if that…to the dual carriageway where its safe to overtake?
does hooking up to an orange trailer with TNT on the side scramble the brainwaves??

Yes its like hell drivers at final sort … :wink:



The worst of the lot are the sub human scum who sit at 40 on the single carriageway then hit the limiter on the dual tracks…

So you get upset when they stick to the speed limit and you get upset when they break the speed limit…there’s just no pleasing some people.

Don’t act thick, you know fine well what he means.

Do I?

As you seem to have all the answers, enlighten me.

Well my head is simmering nicely. Oh dear, oh dear, so many bleats every week about lorry drivers’ wages being poor and how we are all worth so much more and want more in our pockets at the end of the week. And yet what are we doing?.. actually campaigning to be able to drive faster so that we can be paid less than we would otherwise have been for doing the same job

Of course the CBI, FTA and RHA support the idea; the bosses are laughing all the way to the bank. Their Christmas is coming; ours is in the oven. No wonder management have always said that drivers are their own worst enemy.

+1 You are wating your time mate trying to point out the bleeding-obvious to some on here. The job will never get any better as long as some of the attitudes illustrated on here are held by some drivers. Why are we set arse-tight schedules where “cracking on” is the only way to achieve them, as opposed to realistic schedules which can be achieved when only driving to the legal limit? Answer; because the bosses know that drivers are willing to do it…end of.( maybe even to pay for the spot lights on the bosses truck ffs :unamused: but that’s a seperate argument)
I agree 40 is a bit low but you can’t be selective with the law just cos you don’t agree. Me, Im on an hourly rate so no desire to teararse about if only to keep my license clean, and if I sit at 40, I let the others who choose not to, pass by pulling over.

‘… sub human scum who sit at 40 …’ etc

Very brave.

Meanwhile, such manful stoking of confrontation within our profession neatly keeps:

  1. Us busy at each other’s throats.

and thus

  1. The Government better enabled to continue doing diddly-squat in its mandated responsibility to properly manage the broken British transport system.

Where are they on this issue? Why don’t those with huge opinions chase their MP to demand a solution to this ■■■■-ache debate?

So, nice work, fella.

Alternatively, why not get active to better employ yourself in having a pop at those that are too busy waging wars or funding Europe, etc, etc with my tax wedge rather than dishing out testosterone enriched ‘…sub human scum…’ type vitriol from your key-pad throne?

I do :neutral_face:




The worst of the lot are the sub human scum who sit at 40 on the single carriageway then hit the limiter on the dual tracks…

So you get upset when they stick to the speed limit and you get upset when they break the speed limit…there’s just no pleasing some people.

Don’t act thick, you know fine well what he means.

Do I?

As you seem to have all the answers, enlighten me.

He means the ones who speed up to 56 on the short duals to deliberately stop as many people as possible from overtaking. There is no other reason why a 40 driver would want to do 56 on a dual which is just 1 or 2 miles long. I see it several times a day. The look of disappointment on their face when they realise they’ll never out run a paddy is priceless.