Third lane in the roadworks

Just throwing this over to all you experts

Drive through the roadworks on the M1 daily jc 28 to 33

Cars doing 46 / 47 in middle lane refusing to pull into lane one drive me mad

a couple of weeks ago an instructor on a course told us on entering the roadworks

if it states any vehicle on the lane 3 with no width restriction then its ok to use lane 3

so for last couple of weeks been plodding down lane 3 when lane 2 is on the go slow

boy…do I get some stares and shocked looks when the 40 ft curtain comes along side

yesterday the pretend police ( traffic officers ) in their disco flashed me and flapped their arms like I was a nutter I just plodded on at 50 - 52

question abit late if am wrong and been sold duff info…ooops

is it right can we use lane 3 in the roadworks ■■?



For the moment i’ll assume this is a serious question, though this post highlights why we need thousands more proper coppers out and about.

Borrow a tape measure and see how much wider you are than the typical 6’ 6" width limit usually (but not always) imposed on the third lane…but common sense tells you what you are doing is wrong on so many levels, another bad name for the rest of us too.

50 mph is the limit (which most people using their uncalibrated speedometers think they are doing at 46/7), it isn’t a target, you’ll probably gain up to one minute of time by acting like a complete pillock by driving down the third lane, if a real copper sees you he’ll spend an hour or so going through every item he can think of when he pulls you.

I would do it as long as there was no width restriction
as for only gaining a minute
better to keep a safe distance in lane 3

No width limit on that section.

Even though it’s a roadworks section, it is still classified as a motorway so I would assume that you are still committing the same offence as using outside lane when not in roadworks. Very few roadworks do not have a width restriction for outside lane.
Several years ago a truck overturned in the roadworks M1 J8-9 and during the de-brief, the works contractor tried to state that it wasn’t motorway because it was inside roadworks. The Police Inspector immediately challenged this and stated very categorically that it is still a motorway with motorway regulations.

Yes you actually have more width to use in lane 3 than lane 2 more relaxing and safer

so why join the q in lane 2 sitting on tailgate when lane 3 is clear

my truck states 51 sat nav states 50 and yes some cars are well out, but still no excusses
for not moving back over into lane 1 if they are not overtaking

might have to stop at services and ask proper motorway copper to be 100%

thanks for quick responses, keep em coming


The law is very clear that HGV’s are not allowed to use the right hand lane of any carriageway of 3 or more lanes, except in exceptional circumstances.
Roadworks are not exceptional circumstances.
The sign at the start of the roadworks stating “any vehicle” for the right hand lane refers to any vehicle that is usually allowed in the right hand lane of a 3 or more lane carriageway.
Slow down, use the correct lanes, maintain a safe distance in lanes 1 or 2 and chill out.

Just throwing this over to all you experts

Drive through the roadworks on the M1 daily jc 28 to 33

Cars doing 46 / 47 in middle lane refusing to pull into lane one drive me mad

a couple of weeks ago an instructor on a course told us on entering the roadworks

if it states any vehicle on the lane 3 with no width restriction then its ok to use lane 3

so for last couple of weeks been plodding down lane 3 when lane 2 is on the go slow

boy…do I get some stares and shocked looks when the 40 ft curtain comes along side

yesterday the pretend police ( traffic officers ) in their disco flashed me and flapped their arms like I was a nutter I just plodded on at 50 - 52

question abit late if am wrong and been sold duff info…ooops

is it right can we use lane 3 in the roadworks ■■?



Perhaps it would have been a better idea to check out whether it’s legal or not before you started ‘plodding down’ the third lane on a motorway…? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I struggle to believe/comprehend some of the stuff which ‘drivers’ post on here sometimes.

is it april the 1st again?

all you experts


I new this one would get some different views

mate at the services has just asked traffic officer, his anser

in the roadworks any vehicle is any vehicle so no law broken

as long as your not speeding

it is a signed instruction or something

like when you take the M621 through leeds it states HGV’s can use any lane

so your in the third lane of a motorway there too

I suppose the split is law v opinion


Some egg on face in this thread lol
Still wouldn’t risk it…

The traffic officer is wrong

I suppose the key to all this is the roadworks

and what rules apply through them, as opposed to normal motorway

there is a lot of signs in road works you have to consider how to apply

like… Merge in turn

when is it the guy in the BMW’s turn who has just come sailing down the outside lane past 1 mile of traffic


I can see this going on and on but have to go to work now

keep em coming

catch rest tomorrow


If you don’t know the answer to this, then ask yourself “should you really be driving on a motorway in the first place”
Op’s next thread will probably be titled “Help, got nicked driving in third lane”

or help which way round a roundabout

Or speed limit sign said 40 but my mate says the limit for trucks is now 50. Ive been doing 50 but just got flashed by camera.

If lane one is clear for the car in lane 2 to use but they won’t move over then why don’t you just plod on in lane 1. If you approach the car while you’re in lane 1 and continue to stay in lane 1 after passing the car on his nearside then it’s not an undertake and is perfectly legal to do so.

The roadworks do not change the fact it’s still a 3 lane motorway and you are not allowed to use the outside lane of a motorway with three or more lanes. It’s that simple and if you don’t know this you really shouldn’t be driving until you learn the basics.

Just use lane 1 to pass the vehicles sticking to lane 2, provided you don’t immediately pull into lane 2 after passing them you’ve done nothing wrong.

like… Merge in turn

when is it the guy in the BMW’s turn who has just come sailing down the outside lane past 1 mile of traffic

You “merge in turn” at the point where your lane ends.

Don’t blame the BMW driver, blame the bellends who don’t know how to “merge in turn”


Nobody merges 1 mile from the roadworks.