Thinking of Class 2

Hi there after getting bored at work I started googling firms we use at work and stumbled upon this site.
and after reading posts aplenty and finding some very interesting diary’s and tales, I actually discovered something very interesting, in that you only need to take an automatic test now??!!
The reason this is of interest to me is that I am disabled and the thought of split boxes always put me off (weakness in left hand) though I can drive a Manual car/van with a steering ball on steering wheel, also driven tractors (to a fashion :wink: ) and 360 excavators and Grabs, telehandlers and loading shovels granted these ain’t all on the road lol. But got a few coffers spare I think, well enough to afford the training and associated paperwork cpc etc . Think I’d like to give it a try as always a useful qualification to have and kinda found meself wanting to have something to aim for just lately! Before I jump in head first should I ask a training company if I could “just have a go” to see how I get on with it or would I need to have a medical etc first? as don’t really want to part with TOO much money and time if I’m pants :blush:
Cheers for reading

Firstly most new trucks are auto so that solves the gear stick problem and most ridged trucks up to 18t are only 6 speed any way
As long as you pass the medical then book a taster session at your local HGV training place

Very few trainers have enough land for you to have a meaningful “go” so, yes, you need your provisional.

Given the stuff you’ve already driven, I’d be surprised if you’d have a problem especially with an automatic.

Sent you a pm as well.

BTW, welcome to the forum.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Yeah guess that’s why the test rules changed. Only thinking about it atm but always interested me and when I read that It gave me ideas haa ha! if you have a medical how long is it valid for?
cheers for replying

Thanks Blue Estate and Peter :smiley:

if you have a medical how long is it valid for?

To age 45 or for 5 years - whichever is the longer future date

Cheers ROG! I I’ll think it over thank you everybody

To be clear, if you get your provisional, it will run to age 45 or 5 years - whichever is the longest time.

But the medical will be useless after 3? months (not absolutely sure of the exact length of time) if you don’t follow through and apply for provisional licence.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

That’s what I was thinking about Peter yeah, how long is the Medical valid for in respect of starting your training. Cheers

Best thing is to get your medical done and apply for your provisional licence - which is free. That way you get max value out of the medical.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

That’s what I was thinking about Peter yeah, how long is the Medical valid for in respect of starting your training. Cheers

As said above

Lets say you are age 30 now and get medical and provisional - both will be valid until age 45

Not trying to put you off but if your hand is to bad to change gear how will you open curtains, use ratchet straps, pump trucks and so on.

Not trying to put you off but if your hand is to bad to change gear how will you open curtains, use ratchet straps, pump trucks and so on.

Hi RB84, I also agree with what mac12 says.
In my limited experience, I have found that especially starting out in this industry, the work you are required to do is quite often very physical, even just climbing on and off the back of the truck can be challenging when there is no tail lift !! :unamused:
I also do not want to put you off, and I suppose if you land a job that really is JUST driving then you would be OK, but generally I think you will find the jobs offered, will be physically demanding. I know I did :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Not trying to put you off but if your hand is to bad to change gear how will you open curtains, use ratchet straps, pump trucks and so on.

That’s general pallet haulage, and not the only option open to the OP. Yes the majority of work, especially class 2 is going to be physical.
However, I don’t see the bin lorry drivers getting off their arse! :wink:

And if the OP moves straight into class 1 work, the options expand again, as hooking up trailers is as hard as it gets in most cases.
So if the OP can comfortably hitch and unhitch an Artic, I see no problem! :smiley:

There was a thread on the main forum talking about a driver who needed a wheelchair, and had a hoist fitted to the truck to lift him into the cab… If he’s working I see no issue for the OP!

Best of luck RB84! :smiley:

You must have different bin driver than me mine jump out and help the loaders quicker they get done sooner they go home. So what else is there where you do nothing but drive no curtains no straps no back doors.

You must have different bin driver than me mine jump out and help the loaders quicker they get done sooner they go home. So what else is there where you do nothing but drive no curtains no straps no back doors.

Gulley truck , road sweeper , crane , cherry picker Any new truck delivery :wink:

You must have different bin driver than me mine jump out and help the loaders quicker they get done sooner they go home. So what else is there where you do nothing but drive no curtains no straps no back doors.

If you can hitch up a trailer (as I said earlier), i don’t see that getting out and opening the back doors before reversing onto the bay as any harder…

I’d suggest it depends on the rounds with the bins, as around my way the driver doesn’t have chance to get out before needing to move on.

You must have different bin driver than me mine jump out and help the loaders quicker they get done sooner they go home. So what else is there where you do nothing but drive no curtains no straps no back doors.

Tippers with easy sheets.
Bus & Coach driving.

We had a fella working for us with a plastic left hand, lost his real one in a motorcycle accident, admittedly he’d been driving wagons for a long time, but he told me that he could do any thing without too many problems, curtains, strapping, handball, dropping & hooking up etc, & autos just made it easier .

Maybe second manning or drivers mate for a spell would be an option for the OP, just to see what’s involved ?

Cheers for the reply’s, Mac and Bandit do make good points and I reckon I won’t make Drayman of the year anytime soon :laughing: but have Ratchet’d a few loads down on vans/trailers 7.5 tonners and they didn’t come off :astonished: can’t say I’ve tried a curtain! certainly connected hydraulic lines before. In all seriousness I’d WANT/Like to do tipper work as that interests me but if I could get on with general forklifted off etc work I’d be happy with it. I Was mainly looking to just see if I could get a licence at all really as in no hurry to leave my job. Thanks for the input everybody much appreciated and noted!