Think I was almost involved in a flash for cash scam

The other week I was doing a delivery to Lidl Belvedere, I was on my way back heading for the Dartford Tunnel, as I joined the M25 from the slip road l, I was indicating to get across into the next lane, the driver in the other lane made a gap for me and I was about to pull in, as I was just pulling in a Vauxhall Zafira 13 plate came screening off the slip road and flashed me, he was going so fast I just ignored it and didn’t move. If I had moved it would have smashed into me.

I don’t know how relevant it was but the car was full off people of a Asian origin.

Had he been going a little slower I might had moved over and then had to deal with the consequences.

Be warned around Belvedere.

I started to ignore flashes now. HGV’s are just easy targets

Be warned around Belvedere.

That’s generally good advice regardless :wink:

The Highway Code states that you should only flash your headlights to let other road users know that you are there.

Perhaps the driver of the car full of people of Asian origin was doing just that and not inviting you to move over?

Could it be possible that the driver of the car full of people of Asian origin knows his Highway Code better than you do?

Me thinks you are reading too much into this non-event. :wink:

Could it be possible that the driver of the car full of people of Asian origin knows his Highway Code better than you do?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Well funny!!!

The other week I was doing a delivery to Lidl Belvedere, I was on my way back heading for the Dartford Tunnel, as I joined the M25 from the slip road l, I was indicating to get across into the next lane, the driver in the other lane made a gap for me and I was about to pull in, as I was just pulling in a Vauxhall Zafira 13 plate came screening off the slip road and flashed me, he was going so fast I just ignored it and didn’t move. If I had moved it would have smashed into me.

I don’t know how relevant it was but the car was full off people of a Asian origin.

Had he been going a little slower I might had moved over and then had to deal with the consequences.

Be warned around Belvedere.

If you got the reg report it to the police, you never know they might have got someone else afterwards. If it was entirely innocent then no harm done.

If you got the reg report it to the police…



If you got the reg report it to the police…


yeah I know but they might be having an off day.

The Highway Code states that you should only flash your headlights to let other road users know that you are there.

Perhaps the driver of the car full of people of Asian origin was doing just that and not inviting you to move over?

Could it be possible that the driver of the car full of people of Asian origin knows his Highway Code better than you do?

Me thinks you are reading too much into this non-event. :wink:


Or is the Asian community in general are the most awful drivers, I give them plenty of room at all times and are particularly wary of aged Toyota’s stopping at roundabouts when there is nothing coming, if you get my drift.

It’s been going on in Liverpool for years there was a wee blonde in the Dominion Pub would flash for cash. :smiley:

Here we go again same old stereotypes trotted out again and again
Next it’ll be the Scottish, the Irish, the Welsh the yada yada ya same old bigoted rubbish

Get a life will you !!!

Ignore at your peril.

No 4x insurance for me thanks very much. I’ll quite happily take all warnings given out in good faith, me… :neutral_face:

X 2mtd:
Here we go again same old stereotypes trotted out again and again
Next it’ll be the Scottish, the Irish, the Welsh the yada yada ya same old bigoted rubbish

Get a life will you !!!

I totally agree, I hate all forms of racism… and Asians

Where’s Postman Pat when you need him?

VR’ed and gone. :grimacing:

Or is the Asian community in general are the most awful drivers…

As I live in Leicester then I can answer that truthfully = yes

I can also give the same yes when comparing that group with others for LGV training

X 2mtd:
Here we go again same old stereotypes trotted out again and again
Next it’ll be the Scottish, the Irish, the Welsh the yada yada ya same old bigoted rubbish

Get a life will you !!!

Thinking the same some of the white anglo saxon’s need to look at where they originated from or are they too busy dragging their knuckles ■■

It’d take an absolute idiot to do a flash for cash with a HGV, especially not knowing what it’s carrying.

I mainly carry milk at the moment, which in itself isn’t dangerous, but it’s a heavy load that handles slightly different and would make an evasive manoeuvre or braking a bit less likely which would result in injury to any party involved in an accident with my vehicle.

Now, I’m not saying I’d make sure they paid or anything like that, but if it’s a choice of swerving and possibly having a lie down on a motorway and involving other innocent parties or colliding with the cause of the incident, it’s a no brainer.

When I was on busses for a particular firm, we were actually told that if we would have to take evasive action that might injure our passengers or collide with the vehicle that caused it and have someone for them to claim off, we should make sure they’re details are exchanged…

Easier said than done of course, second nature and self preservation takes over - as it should

The Highway Code states that you should only flash your headlights to let other road users know that you are there. indeed it does

Perhaps the driver of the car full of people of Asian origin was doing just that and not inviting you to move over? then he would be the only driver that uses the flash for this purpose

Could it be possible that the driver of the car full of people of Asian origin knows his Highway Code better than you do? this I doubt

Me thinks you are reading too much into this non-event. :wink: this I agree with :grimacing:
