Things Picking up?

Saw 2, YES 2 HGV 1 Drivers jobs advetised in our local paper tonight, first time in a very long time, both jobs were also NOT agency jobs!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Has anybody else noticed an upturn in trade■■?

Saw 2, YES 2 HGV 1 Drivers jobs advetised in our local paper tonight, first time in a very long time, both jobs were also NOT agency jobs!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Has anybody else noticed an upturn in trade■■?

hello mate was in your place this anoon whats all that notice about looking for two delivery agants to take redundancy

Still nowt here oop north, but, it’s just like gardening…

about 6 weeks behind :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

hello mate was in your place this anoon whats all that notice about looking for two delivery agants to take redundancy

Hello matey, yes we are 2 drivers too many, so the ex winco boys who have about 30-40 years service will be fighting to take that. There is now over 40 drivers here.
But, we are like you at the moment very busy!!! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
As you know we have just ‘merged’ with the winco boys so we are now all one happy team…yea right!!! Well the drivers all get on ok, it’s the ‘planners’, and I use that term VERY losely, all the ■■■■■■■■ and fighting for the best work for their own trucks.
Have you been down clockhouse lately?? Nearly mt there init??

we are flat out. had to turn work away. we just can’t cope. we took on some new work from a failed haulier, we stuck 40% on the rate, and still got the work.